MI5 and MI6 pay female spies less than men as gender pay gap widens

Daniel Craig, pictured as James Bond, once described the MI6 agent as 'sexist'
Daniel Craig, pictured as James Bond, once described the MI6 agent as 'sexist' - Nicola Dove/PA

James Bond star Daniel Craig once described the MI6 agent as “sexist and misogynistic”.

Now Britain’s secret intelligence service has revealed that the real-world counterparts of agent Nomi, the spy who temporarily inherits Bond’s 007 title, are not paid as well as their male counterparts.

MI6 and MI5, the UK’s domestic security service, have published reports on the gender pay gap.

The documents show that female spooks are on average being paid 14 per cent less than their male colleagues and in many cases the wage gap is increasing.

Reports released by MI5 and MI6 in February show that women are being paid substantially less than their male colleagues.

In MI5 – where women make up 47.7 per cent of the workforce – the organisation said that male spies are paid 14.1 per cent more on average than their female colleagues.

The report also revealed that 64 per cent of the top-earning spies were men.

MI5, which prides itself on its diversity credentials, has also admitted that the salary of white staff members are 12 per cent higher on average than their ethnic minority colleagues.

The report also said that black personnel received salaries 22 per cent lower than other staff.

“Our analysis shows that in MI5, the pay gap for black staff is significantly higher than for any other ethnic group, at 21.1 per cent. We are conducting further analysis and will act on these findings, and bring additional focus to the recruitment of new joiners of black heritage,” the report found.

In MI6, where women make up 38 per cent of spies, the report showed that the gender pay gap had grown significantly from 7.1 per cent in 2022 to 12.9 per cent in 2023 – meaning that on average female spies are paid almost 13 per cent lower than men.

Within MI5 and MI6, women are employed as intelligence officers, agent handlers and surveillance operatives – some of the most important roles in front line intelligence work.

MI5 has also had two female chiefs but a woman has yet to be appointed as “C” – the codename for the head of MI6.

Richard Moore, the head of MI6, has vowed to end all-male shortlists ahead of the appointment of his successor as head of the intelligence service.

MI5 has had two female director generals in its 113-year history, Stella Rimington in 1992 followed by Eliza Manningham-Buller in 2002.

MI6 has previously revealed that the real-life equivalent of Q in the James Bond films – the gadget expert – is a woman.

While the chiefs earn salaries of up to £188,000 a year, many of the junior staff earn about £30,000.

Col Philip Ingram, a former Army intelligence officer, said he was shocked by the disclosure that a gender pay gap existed in the security and intelligence services.

He said: “There shouldn’t be any pay gap between genders in any employment, never mind with government agencies. The fact that this issue seems to be getting worse is shocking. I can’t understand how this couldn’t be rectified immediately.”

Ken McCallum, the head of MI5, said in response to the pay gap: “Over the last year, there are several areas in which we have made progress: our median gender pay gap has reduced for the second year in a row, by 2.1 percentage points this year; more than half of our new recruits were women; and, as a result, female representation in the organisation continues on an upward trend.”

But while there is much to be proud of, we know there is more work to do. We have launched several initiatives this year aimed at increasing the representation of women and people from an ethnic minority at all levels of MI5, and will continue to keep improving in order to keep the country safe.”

Sir Richard Moore, the head of MI6, added in the foreword to the report: “We are not where we should be. We need to focus on interventions that will have a positive impact in narrowing the gap this year.”

He also described the growing ethnicity wage gap as “disappointing”, adding that “we are taking action with a number of targeted interventions to improve the attraction, recruitment, retention, progression and recognition of ethnic minority staff.”