Michelle Obama Reveals How She'd Handle A Drunk Uncle Being Naughty At Christmas

Michelle Obama could be the first lady of dealing with drunk relatives during the holidays. (Watch the video below.)

In a segment on the “The Kelly Clarkson Show” shared Thursday, the former FLOTUS and the host competed to give the best advice on Christmastime problems involving children.

In one scenario, “American Ninja Warrior” announcer Matt Iseman asked the two mothers how they would politely handle a tipsy uncle who shares a naughty Christmas story in front of kids.

“I would just start talking over Uncle such and such and, you know, distract the kids,” Obama said.

She then revealed her diversion tactic: “Cookies! Cookies in the kitchen!”

Obama was named the talk show’s winner of the “Merry Christmas Momming” challenge. What she called her “angry mommy face” undoubtedly helped her to victory:

Michelle Obama on
Michelle Obama on

Michelle Obama on "The Kelly Clarkson Show."
