Michelle Troconis found guilty on six counts in Jennifer Dulos murder case

Michelle Troconis found guilty on six counts in Jennifer Dulos murder case

Michelle Troconis has been found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder.

After 12 hours of deliberation over the past three days, the jury found Ms Troconis guilty on all six counts Friday.

Jurors were tasked with deciding whether the 49-year-old conspired with her former boyfriend Fotis Dulos to kill his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos, in Connecticut on 24 May 2019, and cover up the crime.

During closing arguments, prosecutors described Jennifer’s murder as “deliberate and intentional” and said that Troconis and Dulos “worked to make this happen”.

Jennifer’s body has never been found, but she has been officially declared dead – with police finding that she died a violent death at the hands of Dulos.

In January 2020, Fotis died by suicide after being charged with her murder.

Troconis pleaded not guilty and insisted she did not know Fotis was doing anything nefarious as she watched him toss garbage bags into random bins, or as she helped him write up a timeline of their whereabouts on the day Jennifer disappeared.

Key points

  • Michelle Troconis is convicted of all charges

  • Jennifer Dulos’ family reacts to verdict

  • When is Michelle Troconis sentenced?

After 27 days of testimony, Michelle Troconis’ trial nears the end

Tuesday 27 February 2024 12:42 , Rachel Sharp

The 49-year-old will appear in court today for closing arguments as her murder conspiracy trial comes to a close.

Ms Troconis’ trial began in early January and after 27 days, is expected to end this week.

Following closing arguments, jury deliberations could start as early as this afternoon.

Here’s what has been happening:

Closing arguments in the Michelle Treconis trial to begin on Tuesday

Here’s what to expect during closing arguments

Tuesday 27 February 2024 13:00 , Rachel Sharp

Both the prosecution and the defence will each get one hour for their closing arguments on Tuesday.

Court is expected to start at 10am.

The prosecution goes first and can opt to split up its argument.It’s followed by the defence who will present its entire closing. The prosecution can then speak again if time remains in their hour.

The jurors will then be given instructions before beginning deliberations.

A jury of six people, rather than 12, will determine Ms Troconis’ fate. This is because she is not charged with a Class A felony (murder). Instead she faces conspiracy to commit murder.

Jennifer Dulos’ five children watch grandmother testify

Tuesday 27 February 2024 13:32 , Rachel Sharp

Gloria Farber, Jennifer’s mother, took the stand as the state’s final witness.

Her five grandchildren, who were orphaned after Jennifer’s disappearance and presumed death and Fotis’ suicide, have been living with Ms Farber and their nanny in New York City.

The children were in the courtroom for the first time as they watched their grandmother on the stand. Her testimony only lasted 10 minutes.

Jennifer Dulos’ mother, Gloria Farber, testifies during Michelle Troconis’ trial at Connecticut Superior Court in Stamford

Ms Farber testified that the mother of five had “never” missed one of her children’s birthdays or “name days,” which is a Greek tradition.

The testimony appeared to take aim at defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn’s argument that Jennifer left on her own, a theory Fotis reportedly claimed she had done in the past.

Michelle Troconis included intimate detail in ‘alibi scripts’

Tuesday 27 February 2024 13:50 , Rachel Sharp

Documents dubbed “alibi scripts” by police found at the Farmington home of Fotis Dulos and Michelle Troconis were read in court on 24 January.

Three photocopies – two of which outline the couple’s movements the day Jennifer disappeared – were found inside a black computer bag during a search of the home on 9 June 2019.

Ms Troconis previously told police that they had been advised by an divorce attorney at the time to write out the timelines.

The first document presented to the court mentioned sending emails to “Jennifer” and “Michelle,” a trip to Starbucks at 7pm in which she wrote, “West Hartford Starbucks ... Two frappuccinos ... I did not like the sandwich.”

The trip to Starbucks was made after Ms Troconis and Fotis were seen driving the route of Albany Avenue as Fotis tossed trash bags that police later discovered contained Jennifer’s DNA.

A second document was a detailed timeline that began with “take a shower with Fotis” at 6.40am, a description of an outfit and cooking scrambled eggs for her daughter.

The third photocopy appeared to be a call log which documented the incoming, outgoing and canceled calls and the duration of each one.

A fourth document, found in an office in the home, appeared to be the original version of the first photocopy.

It was dated 25 May 2019 and noted a meeting with an officer from the New Canaan Police Department and what vehicles “Michi,” “Fotis” and “Pawel” drove.

The defence previously asked the judge to ban any mention of the writing as “alibi scripts.”

Prosecutors clarified that they don’t intend to call the documents “alibi scripts” during the evidentiary portion of the trial, and also have advised their witnesses to call the documents “timelines.”

However, the state will be able to call the documents “alibi scripts” during closing arguments.

Supporters hoping for #JusticeforJennifer wear purple at courthouse

Tuesday 27 February 2024 14:40 , Andrea Cavallier

Dozens of supporters have arrived at the Stamford Superior Courthouse in Connecticut on Tuesday to hear opening statements as Michelle Troconis’ nears the end.

Many of them are members of a #JusticeforJennifer Facebook page and have come together in support of Jennifer, whether they knew her or not.

Some are wearing purple in honor of Jennifer.

Troconis will have a contempt of court hearing on 5 March

Tuesday 27 February 2024 14:50 , Andrea Cavallier

Michelle Troconi has been accused of dislaying sealed custody documents on her laptop during the trial for people to see.

A contempt of court hearing will be held on the matter on 5 March.

Lead detective in Jennifer Dulos investigation will be in court

Tuesday 27 February 2024 15:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Sgt John Kimball, the lead detective in the Jennifer Dulos investigation, says several members of state police and New Canaan police will be in court for closing arguments.

“Today members of the Connecticut State Police Western District Major Crime Squad and New Canaan Police Department will be standing in the courtroom alongside the friends and family of Jennifer in a sign of support and solidarity seeking accountability in this terrible crime.

Please keep Jennifer and her loved ones in your hearts today. #JusticeforJennifer #MichelleTroconis”

Court is starting

Tuesday 27 February 2024 15:17 , Andrea Cavallier

Closing arguments have begun.

The state will go first.

State says Jennifer’s murder was “deliberate and intentional”

Tuesday 27 February 2024 15:25 , Andrea Cavallier

Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorney Michelle Manning is beginning her closing argument for the state.

“I’m going to begin by talking about one thing that is very clear… Jennifer Dulos is dead. She was murdered. This was a deliberate and intentional murder.”

“Jennifer did not run away from her family, her friends, her five children as the defense would live you to believe. She didn’t run away and leave her blood soaked shirt.”

“Jennifer is dead and Fotis Dulos and Michelle Troconis worked to make this happen. They conspired together to get rid of the room who stood in their way. But they got caught.”

Defence ends argument with video of state attorney saying ‘she doesn’t know’

Tuesday 27 February 2024 17:13 , Andrea Cavallier

The defence closed with a clip from her secon interview that shows invetsigators talking after Troconis and her attorney left.

The Stamford State’s Attorney says: “She doesn’t know.”

The defence then tells thejury: “And if he thought she didn’t know, that’s resaonable doubt.”

State is back to finish their closing argument

Tuesday 27 February 2024 17:17 , Rachel Sharp

The state is back up to finish their closing argument to the court.

The defence has finished their hour and now the state will have the last word before the jury is given the case

State asks ‘why is somone who is so innocent lying so much?’

Tuesday 27 February 2024 17:23 , Andrea Cavallier

McGuiness is now speaking for the state and says Troconis was undoubtedly invoolved in the murder of Jennifer Dulos.

He told the jury they shoul reject the defence arguments because of the inconsisentiss of  Troconis statements – ‘why is somone is someone who is so innocent lying so much?’

State tells jury ‘we’ve met our burden of proof here’

Tuesday 27 February 2024 18:00 , Andrea Cavallier

As the state goes through the “inconsistensies” showing slides, he asks “is it really just a series of consequences?”

“Are all these things coincidence or is the defendant guilty?” McGuinness asks.

He then tells the jury that the state has met their burden of proof, now it’s up to the jury to follow through.

State ends closing arguments

Tuesday 27 February 2024 18:00 , Andrea Cavallier

“These were really scripts and you know all scripts have three acts. The first was the murder. The second was the coverup. And she doesn’t get to write the third. You do. What’s the ending going to be?"

“You get to write the ending with your verdict.”

Supporters, loved ones of Jennifer Dulos thank investigators during break

Tuesday 27 February 2024 18:02 , Andrea Cavallier

During lunch recess, several of the supporters here in the court for Jennifer Dulos are thanking investigators for their work on the case.

Some of them are emotional as the long-awaited trial is finally wrapping up.

There are more spectators than usual and the courtroom is packed forcing several people into the overflow room.

Court will resume at 2pm.

Court will return for jury instructions after lunch

Tuesday 27 February 2024 18:10 , Andrea Cavallier

Court is in recess for the lunch break.

Closing arguments have ended and court will resume at 2pm for jury instructions.

The jury instructions are expected to last about 50 minutes, the judge said.

Court is in recess until 2pm

Tuesday 27 February 2024 18:43 , Julia Reinstein

Upon their return from lunch, they will hear jury instructions.

The final witness to testify before today’s closing arguments was Gloria Farber, Jennifer’s mother.

Jennifer’s five children listened as their grandmother testified, recalling how Jennifer “never” missed one of their birthdays or “name days,” which is a Greek tradition.

Three words prove Troconis’s innocence, defence argues

Tuesday 27 February 2024 18:57 , Julia Reinstein

In their closing argument on Tuesday, the defence showed a clip from Troconis’s police interview they say prove her innocence.

In the clip, the Stamford State’s Attorney can be heard saying, “She doesn’t know,” in reference to Troconis.

Defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn said this statement should clear his client’s name.

“If he thought she didn’t know, that’s reasonable doubt,” he said.

Court is in recess until 2pm, after which they will hear jury instructions, then begin deliberations.

Court is back in session

Tuesday 27 February 2024 19:12 , Julia Reinstein

The jury returned to the courtroom at 2:10 pm.

They will now receive instructions from the judge before entering deliberations.

Judge instructs jury on “reasonable doubt"

Tuesday 27 February 2024 19:22 , Julia Reinstein

Judge Kevin Randolph is now instructing the jury, explaining that the state bears the burden of proving the defendant’s guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

“It is not a surmise, a guess, or a mere conjecture,” the judge said. “Reasonable doubt is a real doubt, an honest doubt, a doubt that has its foundation in the evidence or lack of evidence.”

Jury instructed on witness credibility

Tuesday 27 February 2024 19:35 , Julia Reinstein

Judge Kevin Randolph instructed the jury on how they should weigh the “credibility” of witnesses who took the stand.

“You may believe all, or part, or none of a witness’s testimony,” he said.

The jury may consider how well a witness recalled details, any bias they may have in the case, their mannerisms, any contradictions that came up, and so on.

They must also decide whether any errors in testimony constitute an “innocent lapse of memory or a deliberate falsehood.”

“Keep in mind, people sometimes forget things,” the judge said.

Judge instructs on witnesses who testified in exchange for immunity

Tuesday 27 February 2024 19:46 , Julia Reinstein

Witnesses who testified in exchange for legal immunity — as was the case for Pawel Gumienny — should be examined “with greater care and caution than testimony of an ordinary witness,” Judge Kevin Randolph told the jury.

These witnesses may have had an “incentive” to testify favorably for the state, he explained.

“Look at it with particular care,” the judge said.

Jury receives instructions on conspiracy charges

Tuesday 27 February 2024 19:55 , Julia Reinstein

Judge Kevin Randolph instructed the jury on the charge of conspiracy to commit murder.

“The size of the defendant’s role does not determine whether she may be convicted of conspiracy,” he said. Rather, what matters is whether she “willfully” participated in the plan with knowledge of its ends.

Since conspiracies are typically planned “in secret,” circumstantial evidence is sufficient to convict, he said.

Judge instructs on “tampering with physical evidence” charges

Tuesday 27 February 2024 20:09 , Julia Reinstein

The jury was instructed on the charges of tampering with physical evidence and conspiracy to tamper with evidence.

The defendant is guilty of the charges if they did “alter, destroy, conceal, or remove” physical evidence with the intent to “impair” the availability or verity of the item, the judge said.

Deliberations begin

Tuesday 27 February 2024 20:18 , Julia Reinstein

Judge Kevin Randolph has concluded with jury instructions.

Jurors will now retire to their chambers to begin their deliberations.

“When you reach a verdict, it must be unanimous,” he said.

Defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn speaks

Tuesday 27 February 2024 21:44 , Julia Reinstein

 (Andrea Cavallier)
(Andrea Cavallier)

As deliberations begin, defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn spoke to members of the media outside of the courthouse.

“We believe the state has present insufficient evidence,” Mr Schoenhorn said, showing off his tie, which was printed with the words of the US constitution.

Court adjourned for the day

Tuesday 27 February 2024 21:50 , Julia Reinstein

The court has now adjourned for the day.

Judge Kevin Randolph instructed the jury not to speak with the media as they exited the building.

Deliberations will continue tomorrow at 10 a.m.

Michelle Troconis defence claims three words prove innocence in Jennifer Dulos’ murder

Tuesday 27 February 2024 22:35 , Rachel Sharp

The defence ended closing arguments for Michelle Troconis’s trial on Tuesday with video of officials expressing doubt that Troconis knew anything about her former boyfriend Fotis Dulos nefarious actions surrounding his estranged wife’s disappearance and presumed death.

After seven weeks, Ms Troconis’ trial is nearing an end. Jurors in Connecticut will soon decide whether the 49-year-old conspired with Fotis to kill his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos, on 24 May 2019, and cover up the crime.

Both sides gave one last shot at arguing their case as they presented their closing arguments on Tuesday.

Read the full story from Andrea Cavallier in court:

Troconis defence claims three words prove innocence in Jennifer Dulos’ murder

Jury asks for easel before court adjourns for the day

Tuesday 27 February 2024 23:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Jurors only deliberated about 30 minutes on Tuesday before court was adjouned for the day due to the courthouse closing at 5pm.

They were giving a laptop with the exhibiys and evidence as they make their decision.

Before being dismissed, they asked for an easel.

While many spectators in the courtroom were hoping for a quick verdict, others said the jury’s request forshadows a drawn out deliberation.

Court resumes at 10am Wednesday.

Where are Jennifer Dulos’ children now?

Tuesday 27 February 2024 23:20 , Andrea Cavallier

All five children are in the custody of Jennifer’s mother Gloria Farber.

At the time of their mother’s disapearance, the children ranged in age from 8 to 13.

They were seen for the first time in court when Jennifer’s mom took the stand to testify last week.

However, they were nowhere to be seen during closing arguments.

Troconis will have a contempt of court hearing on 5 March

Tuesday 27 February 2024 23:40 , Andrea Cavallier

Michelle Troconis has been accused of dislaying sealed custody documents on her laptop during the trial for people to see.

A contempt of court hearing will be held on the matter on 5 March.

Why didn’t Michelle Troconis testify in her defence?

Wednesday 28 February 2024 00:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Michelle Troconis remained stone-faced as both side presented closing arguments in her case on Tuesday.

She had decided not to take the stand last week to testify in her defence.

Her attorney Jon Schoenhorn said the decision had to do with the fact that the jury had already watched her police interviews.

“There is nothing she could add that she didn’t already add in those hours of questioning,” he said.

Supporters wear purple in court to honor Jennifer Dulos

Wednesday 28 February 2024 00:30 , Andrea Cavallier

Dozens of court spectators who support Jennifer Dulos packed the courtroom on Tuesday.

Some wore purple hats while others wore purple scarves and ribbons.

They said it was to honor Jennifer, to support her family and their way of fighting for justice.

Who else is charged in Jennifer Dulos’ case?

Wednesday 28 February 2024 01:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Kent Mawhinney, a longtime friend and former lawyer of Fotis Dulos, is also charged in the case.

He’s accused of trying to create an alibi for Fotis on the morning of Jennifer’s disappearance.

He pleaded not guilty and awaits trial on a conspiracy to commit murder charge.

ICYMI: Jennifer’s 88-year-old mother was state’s last witness

Wednesday 28 February 2024 02:30 , Andrea Cavallier

Gloria Farber was the last witness to testify for the state against Michelle Troconis in Stamford Superior Court in Connecticut.

She testified that she has not seen or communicated with her daughter since she disappeared and was presumed by police to be murdered in 2019.

Dressed in a gray suit with scarfs, Ms Farber told the jury that her daughter was supposed to meet her at her New York City apartment on 24 May 2019, after a doctor’s appointment, but never showed up.

She said Jennifer would never abandon her children.

“She was always there for them,” Ms Farber said.

Ms Farber nor her grandchildren were in court for closing arguments on Tuesday. The case is now in the hands of the jury.

Gloria Farber (Hearst Connecticut Media)
Gloria Farber (Hearst Connecticut Media)

Defense claims Fotis Dulos is 'ultimately responsible’

Wednesday 28 February 2024 04:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Attorney Jon Schoenhorn told jurors in his closing arguments that Fotis Dulos is “ultimately responsible” for “what happened to Jennifer Dulos,” and that his client was not involved.

“Everything suggested that things were going well and it was to the contrary. In fact, she didn’t know that Fotis was capable of doing something like this,” Mr Schoenhorn said.

He claimed that the state’s case against Troconis was based on “unfounded and unfair assumptions.”


Investigators “speculated that Michelle Troconis had to know what was going on, that because she was romantically linked with Fotis, that she somehow was involved in this nefarious, murderous plot.”

“But that’s not reality, that’s more like one of these cable TV scripted movies,” Mr Schoenhorn said. “It’s not based on the facts that you heard during this trial. It is, and I will say this multiple times, speculation; it’s conjecture, it’s guesswork, which is not the standard of evidence in criminal case.”

Prosecutors claim Michelle Troconis lied to police in her 2019 interviews

Wednesday 28 February 2024 05:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Prosecutors said Ms Troconis lied to police during the first of her three interviews with them in 2019 when she said Fotis was at their home the morning of 24 May.

They say she acknowledged in a subsequent interview that she hadn’t seen him.

Defence suggests there was miscommunication because English is Troconis’ second language

Wednesday 28 February 2024 07:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Schoenhorn said there could have been miscommunications because the interviews were in English instead of Troconis’ primary language, Spanish.

A defense expert also testified that traumatic events, such as being interviewed by police, can affect people’s memory and recall of events.

Where are Jennifer Dulos’ five children

Thursday 29 February 2024 03:01 , Andrea Cavallier

Jennifer Dulos’ five children are back in New York City after appearing at the Connecticut Superior Court in Stamford twice in the past week.

Her five grandchildren, who were orphaned after Jennifer’s disappearance and presumed death and Fotis’ suicide, have been living with Ms Farber and their nanny in New York City.

Gloria Farber, Jennifer’s mother, took the stand as the state’s final witness.

The children were in the courtroom for the first time as they watched their grandmother on the stand last week. Her testimony only lasted 10 minutes.

Ms Farber testified that the mother of five had “never” missed one of her children’s birthdays or “name days,” which is a Greek tradition.

The testimony appeared to take aim at defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn’s argument that Jennifer left on her own, a theory Fotis reportedly claimed she had done in the past.

The children also made a brief appearance during closing arguments, but are reportedly back in New York City.

Jennifer Dulos’ ties to Liz Claiborne

Wednesday 28 February 2024 09:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Jennifer Dulos was a member of a wealthy New York City family and a niece by marriage of fashion designer Liz Claiborne.

Although her body has never been found, a medical examiner concluded suspected blood spatter in her garage and other evidence indicated she could not have survived. A state judge declared her officially dead in October.

Fotis Dulos was a luxury home builder originally from Greece. He killed himself in January 2020, shortly after being charged with the murder of Jennifer Dulos. He had denied the charge.

Troconis is a dual American and Venezuelan citizen who once had her own TV production company in Argentina and hosted a snow-sports show for ESPN South America.

The Dulos’ five children, who ranged from 8 to 13 years old when their mother disappeared and include two sets of twins, have been in the custody of Jennifer Dulos’ mother, Gloria Farber, 88, in New York City ever since.

Defence says Fotis Dulos 'put on a facade until his last, poisoned breath’

Wednesday 28 February 2024 11:00 , Andrea Cavallier

"Whatever Fotis Dulos did, it was not for or because of Michelle, and it was not ‘with’ her. Fotis put up a facade until his last, poisoned breath," Attorney Schoenhorn said during closing arguments.

He put the blame solely on Fotis and said his client had nothing to do with Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance.

Schoenhorn claimed that the state’s case against Troconis was based on “unfounded and unfair assumptions.”

State says trial is about ‘conspiracy and a coverup’

Wednesday 28 February 2024 12:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Prosecutors Michelle Manning and Sean McGuinness told jurors on Tuesday that Michelle Troconis was angry and fed up with the divorce case between her boyfriend Fotis Dulos and his estranged wife Jennifer Dulos and that she had called Jennifer disparaging names.

“Jennifer is dead, and Fotis and Michcelle Troconis intended that to happen,” Ms Manning said.

“They agreed to work together to make it happen, and unfortunately they were successful in making it happen. But they got caught. This trial is very simple. It’s about a conspiracy and a coverup.”

Michelle Troconis’ fate is now in the hands of the jury

Wednesday 28 February 2024 13:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Is Michelle Troconis a murderous conspirator or an innocent bystander?

The decision of her fate is now up to the jury.

The six-member panel began deliberations Tuesday afternoon on charges including conspiracy to commit murder, evidence tampering and hindering prosecution.

After dismissing for the night, jurors will continue Wednesday. Troconis has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

What to expect today in the Michelle Troconis trial

Wednesday 28 February 2024 14:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Jurors return to the courthouse in Stamford, Connecticut at 10am on Wednesday to continue deliberating.

The six-person jury began deliberating on Tuesday after a long day of listening to closing arguments.

Before being dismissed for the evening, they asked for an easel, which the judge said he would try to get for them by the morning.

Michelle Troconis and family arrive for first full day of jury deliberations

Wednesday 28 February 2024 15:23 , Andrea Cavallier

Michelle Troconis and her family have arrived at Stamford Superior Court in Connecicut for the first full day of jury deliberations.

The jury only deliberated for about 30 minutes on Tuesday following closing arguments.

The judge noted that the jury will be brought in to the courtroom to be dismissed for a lunch break before being sent back to the jury room.

‘Jennifer is dead, and Fotis, and Michcelle Troconis intended that to happen,’ state says

Wednesday 28 February 2024 15:50 , Andrea Cavallier

Prosecutors Michelle Manning and Sean McGuinness told jurors on Tuesday that Michelle Troconis was angry and fed up with the divorce case between her boyfriend Fotis Dulos and his estranged wife Jennifer Dulos and that she had called Jennifer disparaging names.

“Jennifer is dead, and Fotis and Michcelle Troconis intended that to happen,” Ms Manning said.

“They agreed to work together to make it happen, and unfortunately they were successful in making it happen. But they got caught. This trial is very simple. It’s about a conspiracy and a coverup.”

Defence takes questions from reporters and shows off his tie

Wednesday 28 February 2024 16:00 , Andrea Cavallier

As deliberations began on Tuesday afternoon, defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn spoke to members of the media outside of the courthouse.

“We believe the state has present insufficient evidence,” Mr Schoenhorn said, showing off his tie, which was printed with the words of the US constitution.

“It was either this one or my ‘not guilty’ tie,” he joked.

Mr Schoenhorn said that as we wait for a verdict, “it’s a nail biting time for everyone,” includiung Ms Troconis’ family who watched quietly from the crowd.

 (Andrea Cavallier/The Independent)
(Andrea Cavallier/The Independent)

Supporters, loved ones of Jennifer Dulos thank investigators at courthouse

Wednesday 28 February 2024 16:20 , Andrea Cavallier

During lunch recess on Tuesday, several of the supporters here in the court for Jennifer Dulos are thanking investigators for their work on the case.

Some of them are emotional as the long-awaited trial is finally wrapping up.

There were many more spectators than usual as dozens came out in force for the closing arguments.

The jury continues their deliberations today.

PHOTOS: Michelle Troconis covers faces, clutches hands together during closing arguments

Wednesday 28 February 2024 17:00 , Andrea Cavallier


Jury asks for testimony from Michelle Troconis‘ best friend

Wednesday 28 February 2024 17:21 , Andrea Cavallier

Nearly three hours into deliberations on Wednesday, the jury sent a note to the judge with a question.

The note read: “Your honor can we please get a copy of Michelle's best friend testimony? “

Jury is watching playback of testimony

Wednesday 28 February 2024 17:24 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury is in the courtroom after requesting the testimony of Michelle Troconis’ best friend Clara “Petu” Duperron.

Ms Duperron testified on the final day for the defence.

They will now watch a playback of testimony, which is about 38 minutes long.

Michelle Troconis’ friend testified she was acting normal the day Jennifer Dulos went missing

Wednesday 28 February 2024 17:46 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury is listening to playback of Clara “Petu” Duperron’s testimony in court.

She previously testified that Michelle Troconis was acting normal the morning Jennifer Dulos went missing.

She also testified to Fotis Dulos’ reaction to a custody report as being "favorable to him."

Playback of testimony ends

Wednesday 28 February 2024 18:09 , Andrea Cavallier

Playback of Ms Duperron's testimoy is over and the jury has left the courtroom to continue deliberations.

Court is on lunch break

Wednesday 28 February 2024 18:18 , Andrea Cavallier

Court is on lunch break until 2pm.

The jury paused deliberations while listening to a playback of testimony for 38 minutes.

They will now take lunch before returning to deliberations this afternoon.

Jurors have returned to deliberating

Wednesday 28 February 2024 19:49 , Andrea Cavallier

Lunch break is over and jurors have returned to the jury room to continue deliberations.

The jury has been deliberating for a total of four hours and 17 minutes.

Who is on the jury in Michelle Troconis trial?

Wednesday 28 February 2024 20:42 , Andrea Cavallier

There are six people on the jury tasked with deciding whether Michelle Troconis was involved in conspiring with her former boyfriend Fotis Dulos in the plot to kill his estranged wife Jennifer Dulos and cover up the crime.

The jury is evenly split with three women and three women.

They have been deliberating for a little over four hours total since closing arguments ended on Tuesday.

What charges does Michelle Troconis face?

Wednesday 28 February 2024 21:02 , Andrea Cavallier

Michelle Troconis is charged with conspiracy to commit murder, evidence tampering and hindering prosecution.

Ms Troconis has insisted that she did not know Fotis was doing anything nefarious as she watched him toss garbage bags into random bins, or as she helped him write up a timeline of their whereabouts on the day Jennifer disappeared.

She has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Will there be a verdict today?

Wednesday 28 February 2024 21:15 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury will deliberate for about 30 minutes as the judge typically dismisses court at 4.45pm.

They have been deliberating for nearly five hours total.

Earlier in the day, the jury asked to see the testimony of Michelle Troconis’ best friend Clara “Petu” Duperron.

Ms Duperron testified on the final day for the defence and recalled her friend was acting normal the morning Jennifer Dulos went missing.

The courthouse closes at 5pm.

Jury is back in the courtroom

Wednesday 28 February 2024 21:44 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury has been brought back into the courtroom.

No verdict today in Michelle Troconis trial

Wednesday 28 February 2024 21:47 , Andrea Cavallier

Court was adjourned at 4.45pm today and jurors were sent home for the day.

No verdict was reached.

The jury will report back at 10am tomorrow.

Jury has deliberated for 5 hours, 40 minutes – and had one question

Wednesday 28 February 2024 23:00 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury in the Michelle Troconis trial have deliberated for  5 hours and 40 minutes over the course of yesterday and today.

They have no yet reached a verdict.

Earlier today, they sent a note to the judge requesting testimony from Troconis’ best friend Clara “Petu” Duperron.

The jury was then brought in to rewatch the 38-minute testimony.

Who is Michelle Troconis’ friend Clara Duperron?

Thursday 29 February 2024 00:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Michelle Troconis’ friend Clara ‘Petu’ Duperron testified on 23 February, and claimed she has information and evidence that disproves the state’s case against Troconis.

But after multiple objections, the judge did not allow Ms Duperron to explain the specifics of her claims.

Clara Duperron (AP)
Clara Duperron (AP)

She also talked about her relationship with Troconis dating back to 2017 and recalled their interactions on the morning Jennifer went missing.

Ms Duperron recalled Ms Troconis acting normal.

She also described Fotis Dulos’ reaction to a custody report that the defense claims negates motive for the presumed murder of Jennifer Dulos, because Fotis wouldn’t have done anything to jeopardize his chance to have his kids back.

The two tales of Michelle Troconis

Thursday 29 February 2024 01:00 , Andrea Cavallier

A state jury heard two different tales of the 49-year-old Michelle Troconis as the prosecution and defense made their closing arguments in Stamford, Connecticut.

The six-member panel began deliberations later that afternoon on charges including conspiracy to commit murder, evidence tampering and hindering prosecution. Troconis has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Prosecutors Michelle Manning and Sean McGuinness told jurors Troconis was angry and fed up with the divorce case and had called Jennifer Dulos disparaging names.

“Jennifer is dead, and Fotis and Michcelle Troconis intended that to happen,” Manning said. “They agreed to work together to make it happen, and unfortunately they were successful in making it happen. But they got caught. This trial is very simple. It’s about a conspiracy and a coverup.”


But her lawyer, Jon Schoenhorn, said the prosecution did not prove any of their allegations beyond a reasonable doubt, including whether Fotis Dulos killed Jennifer Dulos or even if he was in New Canaan that morning.

“She did not know that Fotis Dulos planned to harm her,” Schoenhorn told the jury. “The state has made, what I would suggest, are unfounded and unfair assumptions and have speculated that Michelle Troconis had to know what was going on because she was romantically linked with Fotis, that she was somehow involved in this nefarious, murderous plot.

“But that’s not reality,” he said. “That’s more like one of these cable TV movies, scripted movies. It’s not based on the facts that you heard during this trial.”

In fact, a TV movie was made about the case, Lifetime’s “Gone Mom,” as the case drew widespread attention.

Defense attorney Jon Schoenhorn (AP)
Defense attorney Jon Schoenhorn (AP)

Troconis will have a contempt of court hearing on 5 March

Thursday 29 February 2024 03:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Michelle Troconi has been accused of dislaying sealed custody documents on her laptop during the trial for people to see.

A contempt of court hearing will be held on the matter on 5 March.

Supporters hoping for #JusticeforJennifer wear purple at courthouse

Thursday 29 February 2024 05:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Dozens of supporters have arrived at the Stamford Superior Courthouse in Connecticut on Tuesday to hear opening statements as Michelle Troconis’ nears the end.

Many of them are members of a #JusticeforJennifer Facebook page and have come together in support of Jennifer, whether they knew her or not.

Since the trial began, family and friends of Jennifer, along with supporters who had never even met her, have been wearing purple ribbons and clothing during the proceedings to raise awareness for domestic violence.

Where are Jennifer Dulos’ five children

Thursday 29 February 2024 07:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Jennifer Dulos’ five children are back in New York City after appearing at the Connecticut Superior Court in Stamford twice in the past week.

Her five grandchildren, who were orphaned after Jennifer’s disappearance and presumed death and Fotis’ suicide, have been living with Ms Farber and their nanny in New York City.

Gloria Farber, Jennifer’s mother, took the stand as the state’s final witness.

The children were in the courtroom for the first time as they watched their grandmother on the stand last week. Her testimony only lasted 10 minutes.

Ms Farber testified that the mother of five had “never” missed one of her children’s birthdays or “name days,” which is a Greek tradition.

The testimony appeared to take aim at defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn’s argument that Jennifer left on her own, a theory Fotis reportedly claimed she had done in the past.

The children also made a brief appearance during closing arguments, but are reportedly back in New York City.

Michelle Troconis’ trial is almost over. Now a jury is deciding her fate

Thursday 29 February 2024 09:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Nearly five years after Jennifer Dulos vanished without a trace, her late ex-husband’s lover Michelle Troconis will soon learn her fate for her alleged role in the case.

Here’s what has been happening in her seven-week trial in Stamford, Connecticut:

Closing arguments in the Michelle Treconis trial to begin on Tuesday

Defence claims three words prove innocence in Jennifer Dulos’ murder

Thursday 29 February 2024 11:00 , Andrea Cavallier

The defence ended closing arguments for Michelle Troconis’s trial on Tuesday with video of officials expressing doubt that Troconis knew anything about her former boyfriend Fotis Dulos nefarious actions surrounding his estranged wife’s disappearance and presumed death.

Defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn ended his closing showing a clip from Ms Troconis’ 2019 police interview after she and her attorney had left the room.

In the video, officials are talking and the Stamford State’s Attorney says: “She doesn’t know,” referring to Ms Troconis.

Back in court during closing arguments, the defence then told the jury: “And if he thought she didn’t know, that’s reasonable doubt.”

Read more:

Troconis defence claims three words prove innocence in Jennifer Dulos’ murder

What to expect today as the jury continues deliberations

Thursday 29 February 2024 13:00 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury in the Michelle Troconis trial have deliberated for 5 hours and 40 minutes over the course of Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday at the Connecticut Superior Court in Stamford .

They have not yet reached a verdict.

On Wednesday morning, they sent a note to the judge requesting testimony from Troconis’ friend Clara ‘Petu’ Duperron – which they watched in the courtroom.

Jurors are expected back at court at 10am today.

Deliberations in Michelle Troconis trial begin in one hour

Thursday 29 February 2024 14:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Jurors are expected to return to the courthouse at 10am today to continue deliberating in the Michelle Troconis murder conspiracy trial.

For 27 days, the court has heard dramatic testimony about how mother-of-five Jennifer Dulos, 50,  was allegedly killed in 2019 by her estranged husband Fotis Dulos amid a contentious divorce and custody battle. After being charged with her murder, he died by suicide in 2020, leaving his girlfriend Michelle Troconis to take the fall.

Ms Troconis fate is now in the hands of the jury who will soon decide whether she was involved in conspiring with Fotis to kill Jennifer and cover up the crime.

Jury resumes deliberations

Thursday 29 February 2024 15:05 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury has resumed deliberations in the Michelle Troconis trial.

Defence claims supporters of prosecution team were blowing kisses at officers in court

Thursday 29 February 2024 15:16 , Andrea Cavallier

Before the jury was brought out on Thursday for the third day of deliberations, defence attorney Jon Schoenhorn told the judge that he was made aware that some of the supporters of the prosecution team were blowing kisses and doing heart signs when some of the police officers walked in to the courtroom.

“I thought the court made it clear that would not be permitted,” he said. “I believe it’s harassment for that to be permitted.”

The judge said the court would “leave it up to the marshals to be vigilant in determining whether any conduct is inappropriate.”

Jury has been deliberating for seven hours

Thursday 29 February 2024 16:26 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury – made up of three men and three women – have now been deliberating for a total of seven hours since they began following closing arguments on Tuesday.

A verdict has not yet been reached.

How many years in prison could Michelle Troconis face?

Thursday 29 February 2024 17:02 , Andrea Cavallier

If Michelle Troconis is found guilty of all charges, she could face up to 50 years in prison in the death and disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.

Ms Troconis, 49, is charged with conspiracy to commit murder, two counts of conspiracy to commit tampering with physical evidence, two counts of tampering with physical evidence and one count of second-degree hindering prosecution.

The jury could find her guilty on all counts, not guilty on all counts, or a combination. If the jury is deadlocked and cannot come to a unanimous decision, it would result in a mistrial.

Ms Troconis could face between 1 and 20 years if the sentences ran concurrently, or up to 50 years if consecutive. A judge would make that decision during sentencing.


Jury has sent a note and court is back in session

Thursday 29 February 2024 17:17 , Andrea Cavallier

Court is back in session after the jury sent a note around 11:58pm.

They have two questions which the judge is now reading in open court.

Jury asks for clarification on term ‘accessory'

Thursday 29 February 2024 17:21 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury sent a note to the court with two questions.

1 - Can we please receive clarification as to the verbiage of count 3, specifically in order to constitute tampering does the defendant need to have physically altered, destroyed or concealed an item or thing, ie: “physical contact.”

2 - The jury had a question about the term “accessory” in the jury instructions

Judge brings in jury to answer questions

Thursday 29 February 2024 17:34 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury asked “does an accessory to tampering with evidence had to have made physical contact with the evidence.”

The judge told the jury “No. It is an accessorial liability and does not require physical contact”.

Court is in recess while jury deliberates

Thursday 29 February 2024 17:36 , Andrea Cavallier

Jurors returned to the jury room to continue deliberations.

Court is in recess untiil further notice.

Court breaks for lunch until 2pm

Thursday 29 February 2024 18:04 , Andrea Cavallier

Court has been adjourned for lunch.

The jury will continue deliberations at 2pm.

Deliberations continue after lunch break

Thursday 29 February 2024 19:05 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury has returned to deliberate following a lunch break.

They have been deliberating for eight hours and 20 minutes across three days.

Court is likely to be dismissed at 4.45pm as usual so the jury will deliberate until then, unless they reach a verdict sooner.

‘Justice for Jennifer Dulos’ supporters come out in force at Michelle Troconis trial

Thursday 29 February 2024 19:30 , Andrea Cavallier

As spectators packed a Connecticut courtroom for closing arguments in the Michelle Troconis murder conspiracy trial this week, there was a noticeable common theme – many of them wore purple.

Some wore purple hats or scarves while others were fully decked out in the colour. It was intentional, they said: it was all for Jennifer.

Andrea Cavallier reports:

Women fighting for ‘Justice for Jennifer’ show up at Michelle Troconis trial

Will there be a verdict in Michelle Troconis’ trial today?

Thursday 29 February 2024 20:15 , Andrea Cavallier

As of 3pm on Thursday, jurors have been deliberating for nine hours and 20 minutes across three days since closing arguments finished on Tuesday.

The time does not include lunch breaks, the 38-minute playback of testimony they listened to or the time they spent in the courtroom to clarify two questions.

The jury sent this note:

“Your Honor, can we please receive clarification as to the verbiage of count 3? Specifically, in order to constitute tampering, does the defendant need to have physically altered, destroyed, concealed or removed an item or thing, i.e. physical contact?

“Further the information never mentions the term accessory or accessorial liability. Following the juror instructions would lead one to believe having accessorial liability is enough to prove a defendant guilty of tampering with physical evidence.”

“Is that the case or is the section titled "accessorial liability" from page 44 of the jury instructions misleading?”

The judge explained accessorial liability does not require physical contact.

Accessorial liability is when a person intentionally aids another person to engage in conduct which constitutes an offense.

Jurors ask judge to clarify tampering with evidence

Thursday 29 February 2024 20:45 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury deciding Michelle Troconis’ fate sent a note just before lunchtime with two questions for Judge Kevin Randolph.

The questions were read aloud in court with the jury present.

Judge Kevin Randolph read the questions in court.

“In order to constitute tampering, does the defendant need to have physically altered, destroyed, concealed, or removed an item or thing, i.e. physical contact?” the first question read.

They also had questions about the term accessory or accessorial liability and said the information never mentions those terms.

The judge told them accessorial liability does not require physical contact.

Verdict Watch: Day three of deliberations nears end

Thursday 29 February 2024 21:34 , Andrea Cavallier

Another day of deliberations is nearly over as the time ticks closer to 4.45pm.

Judge Randolph typically releases the jury at that time and the courthouse closes at 5pm.

There is still no verdict in Michelle Troconis’ case.


Jury is back in court

Thursday 29 February 2024 21:43 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury is being brought back into court.

The judge usually dismisses court at 4.45pm.

No verdict today

Thursday 29 February 2024 21:47 , Andrea Cavallier

Court was adjourned at 4.47 pm Thursday and the jury was sent home for the day. They have not yet reached a verdict in the Michelle Troconis trial.

So far, jurors have deliberated for 11 hours since closing arguments concluded on Tuesday afternoon.

The jury will return to the courthouse in Stamford tomorrow at 10am to continue deliberations.

What is Michelle Troconis charged with?

Thursday 29 February 2024 23:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Ms Troconis, 49, is charged with conspiracy to commit murder, two counts of conspiracy to commit tampering with physical evidence, two counts of tampering with physical evidence and one count of second-degree hindering prosecution.

The jury could find her guilty on all counts, not guilty on all counts, or a combination. If the jury is deadlocked and cannot come to a unanimous decision, it would result in a mistrial.

Who else is charged in connection to Jennifer Dulos’ murder?

Friday 1 March 2024 00:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Kent Mawhinney, another defendant in the case and Fotis’ longtime friend, was expected to testify for the state, but Assistant State’s Attorney Sean McGuinness ended the state’s case without him.

“Kent Mawhinney of course is a co-conspirator in this matter, he’s been arrested, the charges remain pending,” Mr McGuninness told the court. “He undoubtedly has Fifth Amendment privilege, therefore, is unavailable to both parties. Given that we are going to be resting, I just wanted to indicate that for the record, obviously, there shouldn’t be any sort of missing witness arguments during closing arguments ... in light of that fact, he’s unavailable.”

Mr Mawhinney’s attorney, Jeffrey Kestenband, later said his client had not invoked his Fifth Amendment right to not testify, so the reason as to why he didn’t testify remains unclear.

Mr Mawhinney will stand trial on his own conspiracy to commit murder charge in the case. He’s accused of trying to create an alibi for Fotis on the morning of Jennifer’s disappearance.

WATCH: Michelle Troconis and Fotis Dulos seen dumping trash bags after alleged murder

Friday 1 March 2024 01:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Jurors are combing through more than 200 exhibits as they deliberate the fate of Michelle Troconis.

One major exhibit is the video that shows Ms Troconis in Fotis Dulos’ truck as he dumps bags of evidence in various trash cans in Hartford.

They’ve never met Jennifer Dulos, but these women were in court every day to support her family

Friday 1 March 2024 02:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Caroline Rutenberg, who grew up in Farmington, close to where Fotis and Jennifer lived, is one of the admins of the Facebook group Justice for Jennifer Dulos.

She was in high school in 2019 when Jennifer disappeared.

“It was the first time I heard of ‘domestic violence,’” she told The Independent.

“Jennifer’s story touched my heart and seeing all the people that came out to support yesterday wearing purple brought me to tears,” she said of the dozens of women who showed up for closing arguments on Tuesday.

“I wore a purple ribbon around my neck that was the same ribbon we used at the memorial our group created honoring Jennifer,” she added.

 (Justice for Jennifer Facebook page)
(Justice for Jennifer Facebook page)

What happened to Jennifer Dulos’ children?

Friday 1 March 2024 03:00 , Andrea Cavallier

When Jennifer Dulos mysteriously vanished in Connecticut over four years ago in the midst of a custody dispute with her estranged husband Fotis Dulos, her five children were left behind.

By January 2020, their father was also gone, having died by suicide three weeks after being charged with murder in Jennifer’s disappearance and death.

Within just eight months, the children – who were ranging in age from 8-13 at the time – had lost both parents.

What happened to them?

What happened to Jennifer Dulos’ children?

VIDEO: Nanny describes day Connecticut mother Jennifer Dulos disappeared

Friday 1 March 2024 05:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Who is Michelle Troconis’ friend Clara Duperron?

Friday 1 March 2024 07:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Michelle Troconis’ friend Clara ‘Petu’ Duperron testified on 23 February, and claimed she has information and evidence that disproves the state’s case against Troconis.

But after multiple objections, the judge did not allow Ms Duperron to explain the specifics of her claims.

She also talked about her relationship with Troconis dating back to 2017 and recalled their interactions on the morning Jennifer went missing.

Ms Duperron recalled Ms Troconis acting normal.

She also described Fotis Dulos’ reaction to a custody report that the defense claims negates motive for the presumed murder of Jennifer Dulos, because Fotis wouldn’t have done anything to jeopardize his chance to have his kids back.


ICYMI: Bloodied clothes believed to belong to Jennifer Dulos shown in court

Friday 1 March 2024 09:00 , Andrea Cavallier

RECAP: Michelle Troconis’ trial is almost over. Now a jury is deciding her fate

Friday 1 March 2024 11:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Nearly five years after Jennifer Dulos vanished without a trace, her late ex-husband’s lover Michelle Troconis will soon learn her fate for her alleged role in the case.

Here’s what has been happening in her seven-week trial in Stamford, Connecticut:

Andrea Cavallier reports:

Closing arguments in the Michelle Treconis trial to begin on Tuesday

Defence attorneys will file a motion for a new trial

Friday 1 March 2024 22:22 , Julia Reinstein

Missing Mother Connecticut (Hearst Connecticut Media)
Missing Mother Connecticut (Hearst Connecticut Media)

Michelle Troconis’ defence attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, said he planned to file a motion for a new trial.

In remarks outside the courthouse Friday, Mr Schoenhorn said he was “at a loss” over the guilty verdict.

“Her whole family is devastated,” he said. “I truly just don’t see how the jury could have reached this verdict.”

A journey to get ‘Justice for Jennifer'

Friday 1 March 2024 12:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Since Michelle Troconis’ trial began, family and friends of Jennifer Dulos, along with supporters who had never even met her, have been wearing purple ribbons and clothing in court to raise awareness for domestic violence.

Many of the supporters are members of “Justice For Jennifer Dulos,” a Facebook page that started over four years ago, and has since grown to more than 1,000 members.

“If there were room for 1100 of us in the courtroom, we would have all been there everyday,” Shell Meador, one of the Facebook admins told The Independent.

Ms Meador explained that the admin team is a group of personal friends, many of whom were brought together by their individual experiences of having a loved one be murdered.

“For most people especially Connecticut moms, Jennifer’s story brought an awareness of wow...things like this do happen here,” Ms Meador said, “And the family court system in CT is broken in ways that are hurting children, hurting families.”

Creating an online community gave them a chance to share their stories and advocate for Jennifer — and heal from some of their own pain.

“For me, it’s always been about creating a safe, respectful place to raise awareness of a missing person, follow and discuss case facts of a justice journey,” Ms Meador said.

Andrea Cavallier reports ...

Women fighting for ‘Justice for Jennifer’ show up at Michelle Troconis trial

What to expect today as the jury continues deliberations

Friday 1 March 2024 13:00 , Andrea Cavallier

The jury in the Michelle Troconis trial have deliberated for 11 hours over the course of three days since closing arguments concluded on Tuesday at the Connecticut Superior Court in Stamford .

They have not yet reached a verdict.

On Wednesday morning, they sent a note to the judge requesting testimony from Troconis’ friend Clara ‘Petu’ Duperron – which they watched in the courtroom.

On Thursday, the jury sent another note with two questions.

“In order to constitute tampering, does the defendant need to have physically altered, destroyed, concealed, or removed an item or thing, i.e. physical contact?” the first question read.

They also had questions about the term accessory or accessorial liability and said the information never mentions those terms.

The judge told them accessorial liability does not require physical contact.

Jurors are expected back at court at 10am today.

Will there be a verdict today? Deliberations resume in one hour

Friday 1 March 2024 14:00 , Andrea Cavallier

Jurors are expected to return to the courthouse at 10am today to continue deliberating in the Michelle Troconis murder conspiracy trial.

For 27 days, the court has heard dramatic testimony about how mother-of-five Jennifer Dulos, 50, was allegedly killed in 2019 by her estranged husband Fotis Dulos amid a contentious divorce and custody battle. After being charged with her murder, he died by suicide in 2020, leaving his girlfriend Michelle Troconis to take the fall.

Ms Troconis fate is now in the hands of the jury who will decide whether she was involved in conspiring with Fotis to kill Jennifer and cover up the crime.


Deliberations resume

Friday 1 March 2024 15:05 , Julia Reinstein

The court reconvened at 10am, and jurors were quickly sent back to their chambers to continue deliberations.

They have already deliberated for 11 hours since the end of closing arguments on Tuesday.

Click here to read the full blog on The Independent's website