Middlesbrough tattoo artist writes children's book inspired by autistic daughter Luna

A tattoo artist has written a children's book in a bid to show parents with autistic children they are not alone.

Rob Young, who owns Ink Bar Tattoo Studio, in Middlesbrough, will release 'Luna and the Moon Monster' on Monday, July 8, which has been inspired by his own daughter Luna. The nine-year-old was diagnosed with autism at age five and is non-verbal.

Mr Young, who is originally from Worcester, said he'd always wanted to release a book but has only managed recently to put pen to paper. The dad and step-dad said: "I thought there must be other parents out there who have to deal with similar things we do. I want parents to read it and think 'my daughter does that as well' and for them to know they're not the only ones and they are not alone.

"Luna has taught me patience and I wanted to give parents comfort. Autism is such a varied spectrum even with Luna, she's non-verbal but there's lots of other boxes she doesn't tick - I just wanted to raise awareness."

The 42-year-old said the book is centred on Luna and her imaginary friends but has a twist in the story. The e-book also features Mr Young's stunning artwork and will be available to readers on Amazon Kindle on Monday.

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