Midlothian woman films group of bad youths and begs 'parents please come forward'

Two youths were seen "vandalising" the property
Two youths were seen "vandalising" the property -Credit:Kamila Zajac

A group of youths were allegedly seen 'vandalising a park shed with spray paint' in Midlothian.

Concerned resident Kamila Zajac, who captured the incident on camera, said three young people were seen around the changing room shed in Easthouses Park. She said it's "a shame children don't respect public spaces".

The incident took place at around midday on Tuesday, May 21.

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Kamila told us: "Three little angels vandalising the changing room shed in Easthouses Park with spray paint.

"It's just a shame the children don't respect the public spaces. Luckily, this doesn't happen very often in this area.

"Perhaps parents will recognise them and have a word."

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This comes after a group of youths were caught stealing on doorbell camera footage in nearby Dalkeith. In the clip, a group of four young people can be seen going past the house - with one of them on a bike.

One member of the group appears to lean over the fence and grabs two bottles of milk. Concerned resident David Murphy, who shared the footage with Edinburgh Live, said: "I would like to think that this could be attributed to youthful high jinks or generally silliness, which to a degree is forgivable.

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"However given the standard dark clothing, balaclavas and clear efforts to remain unidentifiable, this incident more accurately reflects the general decline in societal standards and the inherent feral behaviours of a group of youths."

Police Scotland have been approached for comment.