Millions of women at risk of cancer due to simple mistake

Breast cancer awareness.
Women should regularly check their breasts for signs of cancer -Credit:©Burak Karademir

More than three million women in the UK have never performed a breast self-exam, according to new research, putting themselves at risk of allowing cancer to develop. According to the study from independent charitable hospital King Edward VII's Hospital, over a third of women say they don't know how to check their breasts.

The survey also found that 19 per cent of women they do not check their breasts amid fears of finding a lump. The statistics come despite celebrities such as Sarah, Duchess of York and Trisha Goddard speaking widely about their experiences with the disease and the importance of checking breasts, reports BristolLive.

However, almost one in five women say they couldn't identify three different signs of breast cancer. When presented with a list of symptoms and asked which ones they would see a doctor about, half of women would leave at least one symptom unchecked.

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Almost a quarter of women admit to being unsure about how often they should be performing a self-exam. Women are most concerned about finding a lump or swelling in the armpit, a new lump or area of thickened tissue, and discharge from the nipple.

Amelia Cook, head of women's health at King Edward VII's Hospital, said: "Breast cancer can affect women of all ages, so it's important we all become connected with our breasts, be aware of what is 'normal' for us personally and feel confident in doing so. Early detection of any breast changes can help diagnose breast cancer in its early stages which supports highly successful curative outcomes".

If women are worried about their symptoms they should consult their GP or a health professional immediately. For now, here are Amelia Cook's top tips to help check your breasts:

1) Choose a consistent time

Make breast self-examination a regular part of your monthly routine, ideally around the same time each month when your breasts are least likely to be swollen or tender so you can be as accurate as possible. For many women, this is shortly after their period. This consistency will help you become more familiar with your breasts and more likely to detect any changes.

2) Visual examination

Start by visually inspecting your breasts in the mirror, both with your arms by your side and with your arms in the air. Look for any changes in size, shape, or contour and for dimpling, puckering, or redness of the skin. Also, look to see if there are any changes in your nipples, such as inversion or discharge.

3) Physical examination

Use the pads of your fingers, not the tips, to feel for any lumps, thickening, or other changes in your breast. Use a circular motion, covering the entire breast area and underarm. Use light pressure to feel the tissue closest to the skin, medium pressure to feel a little deeper, and firm pressure to feel the tissue closest to the ribcage and chest wall.

It can sometimes help to lie down on your back as it helps spread out the breast tissue more evenly. Some women find it helpful to perform their breast self-exam in the shower using soap or lotion, as it may make it easier to glide your fingers over the skin.

4) Take note of any changes

Lumps are the most common early symptoms of breast cancer but there are many different signs. This can include symptoms like discharge from the nipple, retracted nipples, dimpling of the skin, and others.

Anything unusual for you, or a significant change in breast appearance without reasonable explanation, could be a cause for concern. Do remember though that this doesn't mean you have cancer.