Millions of workers on over £10,000 a year warned to 'check' pension contributions now

A huge rise in complaints about workplace pensions has left employees warned to "check now". The last year saw a rise in employees reporting their workplace pensions and TPR, which oversees workplace pensions, received 9,487 "whistleblowing reports".

The figures ranged between January 2023 and February this year, according to the Sun newspaper, which is responsible for the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request. Becky O'Connor, director of public affairs at PensionBee, said more transparency is needed.

She called for clarity around how complaints are investigated and dealt with to give people more confidence to report firms, saying: "The figures suggest the TPR is only investigating a very small proportion of the whistleblower complaints it receives, which could be disheartening to anyone who is thinking about making a complaint."

Becky went on, telling the Sun newspaper this weekend: "Greater transparency and guidance over the kind of complaint that is likely to be investigated and the kind that isn't could be helpful to people working out whether they should pursue it."

Employees enrolled in workplace pension schemes can report their scheme to TPR if they have concerns about how it's being run. Former pensions minister Steve Webb, now partner at pension consultants LCP, has spoken out over the findings.

Sir Steve, who has a This is Money column where he dishes out expertise and advice, warned: “If you're eligible for auto-enrolment, check to make sure you are getting the contributions you're entitled to. People who earn over £10,000 per year have a right to be put into a pension scheme by their employer.

"But it can be difficult to complain when they fail to do this, especially if you work for a small firm. So, I would encourage anyone who has been deprived of their right to a pension to make a complaint to TPR, which has the power to fine firms who do not comply with the law”.