Ministry of Defence 'hacked by China' - reports

Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defence -Credit:Tim Ireland/PA Wire

The Ministry of Defence of the UK has been 'hacked', it's been reported tonight (Monday). An investigation is underway into the cyber attack, with MPs due to be briefed on Tuesday (April 7).

An investigation into the cyber attack is underway, with two or three reported hacking attempts targeting departmental employees. The government will not name the country involved, but sources suggest that it was carried out by China, Sky News reports.

Bank details and names of employees on the payroll were reportedly exposed. this is believed to have included veterans, officials and current service personnel, according to ExpressOnline.

However, it is not believed to have an impact on salaries being paid. Sky says MoD sources hope service personnel will not be concerned about their own safety.

They will be offered support and advice about the "hack" tomorrow. The system, from a contractor, is not believed to be connected to the main MoD computer network.

It has been taken down and a review into the issue launched, the broadcaster reports. Over the last 72 hours, the MoD is said to have been working at speed to understand the full scale of the incident.

It is expected to raise questions over whether other countries with a difficult relationship with China would want to share intelligence with the United Kingdom.