Miracle Baby Survives Eight DAYS Underground After Being Buried Alive By Own Parents

The month-old baby was discovered by a passerby who heard muted cries from under the ground while collecting herbs in south central China

This newborn baby boy was rescued after having been buried alive by his parents. (CEN)
This newborn baby boy was rescued after having been buried alive by his parents. (CEN)

A baby has been rescued by police after he was buried alive and left to die in a cemetery by his parents.

The month-old infant was discovered by a passerby who heard muted cries from under the ground while collecting herbs in south central China.

Lu Fenglian, who thought she'd stumbled upon 'spirits' dashed to get help from a local monk, 75-year-old, Zhao Shimin who went with her to where she heard the cries.

They realised that it appeared a child must have been buried under the ground, so authorities were called and began digging up the hillside until they found the child – abandoned by his parents because of a cleft lip and left to die.

The place where the baby was buried under ground (CEN)
The place where the baby was buried under ground (CEN)

The child was taken to a local hospital, where he has miraculously recovered.

Authorities said the newborn survived underground because of rain water and air that seeped through the loosely covered rocky ground.

Local police tracked down the baby’s boys parents, who admitted to committing the act with the help of relatives an incredible eight days previously.
The child’s mother claims that she and her husband were persuaded by their own mothers to abandon the child.
The parents and all relatives involved have been taken into police custody.

Local village residents claimed they knew the couple was expecting a new child, but they were told by the parents that the child had died soon after birth.
One told local TV: ‘They said he had been buried, we never knew they meant alive.’