Missing Jay Slater in Tenerife spotted 'walking alone' before disappearance

This was the last house, a holiday rental,  that Jay was believed to have stayed  at before going missing
-Credit: (Image: Stan Kujawa)

A local Tenerife resident has divulged information regarding the two British men last seen with Jay Slater prior to his disappearance.

Jay Slater, 19, went missing on Monday morning after departing with two other men whilst socialising with friends on the island. The group had all been attending a three-day music festival. In the early hours of Monday, Jay attempted to walk southward across the island, informing his friend Lucy Mae Law through a call that his phone battery was about to die, at only 1 per cent, reports the Mirror.

A woman known only as Araceli, an employee at a business neighbouring the rental property, revealed to the Mirror: "I never saw the missing boy, but I know people saw him walking on his own. I saw the two British men who stayed here. They came in for café con leche a couple of times. One was aged about 40. The other one was slightly younger."

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Araceli also confirmed: "The police have spoken to them both [the British men]. They arrived on Saturday and were due to stay until Monday, but they left on Tuesday."

When questioned if they were obligated to remain for police questioning, she answered simply: "I don't know." The holiday home was reportedly rented by the two individuals last seen with Jay prior to his mysterious disappearance. Both men have since checked out of their lodging and returned to the UK on Wednesday.

Jay had shared a snapshot of himself, cigarette in hand, standing on the steps of the said property shortly before he went missing. Lucy Mae Law, a friend of Jay's, sounded the alarm after receiving an unsettling call from him on Monday around 8am.

Jay, who hails from Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, and is undertaking an apprenticeship as a bricklayer, informed her that he was trekking back to their lodgings in the island's southern region, thirsty and with a meagre 1 per cent battery power remaining on his phone.

His phone lost signal shortly after, and his previous known location was logged in the Rural de Teno region, which is characterised by its mountainous terrain. Since then, his immediate family has made the journey over to aid in the search mission.

Lucy voiced her discontent with the efforts put forth by the Civil Guard, and would prefer involvement from British law enforcement in tracking down her companion. In her dialogue with the Mirror, she was quoted, "We need British police here. I just want to find my mate. He's been missing three days. It's not looking good now. We feel as though it's down to us to find him and that we're doing more than the police."

Search endeavours spearheaded by the police span a remote mountain region tucked away at the northwest tip of the island, close to the petite village of Masca, which coincides with his last pinpointed area. Additional findings about two men whom he was last spotted with on the Sunday evening have since emerged, and photographs of Casa Abuela Tina, the rental accommodation where he was reportedly residing, have made their debut.