Missing Jay Slater's dad explains why he won't join search in Tenerife

The seatch for the apprentice bricklayer continues
-Credit: (Image: Civil Guard)

Jay Slater's father Warren has expressed his trust in the experts handling the search for his missing son, rather than venturing into perilous terrain himself. Warren Slater, 58, acknowledged that he has faced criticism for not participating in the extensive search for the 19 year old apprentice bricklayer, who disappeared almost two weeks ago in Tenerife.

"I'm grateful to those who have come out here because you can see just how dangerous it is and what gets me is the trollers who are having a go at us for not searching," Warren stated today. He emphasised the risks involved, saying: "It's not the local park, these are big mountains, the terrain is dangerous, put yourself in our position would you go out in these conditions?

"It's tough, it's hard, we are leaving it to the professionals and I'm grateful for those who have turned out today and I want to thank them for what they are doing."

Read more Jay Slater search leader explains why they won't search some areas for missing teen

Despite the intensive efforts through the challenging landscape of Rural de Teno, no significant clues have been found. This means the search is set to continue into its 14th day on Sunday, with no official reduction in scale as of yet, reports the Mirror.

Reflecting on Saturday's search, Warren added: "I just thought he's gone out had a drink and ended up at some girl's place as we all did when we were younger, he's our youngest I just want him home.

"We just still can't believe it; it's been so tough on us, and I want people to think about us as parents and what we are going through. All those trollers having a go at us, they don't know how we feel, why don't they come up here and have a look and see for themselves how dangerous it is."

The search operation is currently focused on a challenging terrain near the village of Masca, where Jay was last seen. Brigadier Cipriano Martin, head of the Guardia Civil's mountain rescue team, has stated that Jay, from Lancashire, wouldn't have ventured into areas even the rescue teams avoid.

Through an interpreter, he explained to the BBC: "There are difficult areas and we've given instructions for people not to risk their own safety. But there's something we need to make clear, which is any area we don't go to, well, Jay won't have gone there either."

He further reasoned: "You have to think about it logically - if I see there's vegetation in front of me and I'm going to get spiked, and I can't get through, then he won't have gone through that area either. We have to be logical, obviously."