Mister Softee tracking app locates every ice cream truck in NYC

mister softee
mister softee

The emergence of Mister Softee’s ice cream trucks is New York City’s sign that spring has sprung and warm days are ahead.

Luckily for ice cream lovers, you don’t have to wait until the truck’s jingle is earshot to seek out the beloved ice cream truck.

You can track exactly where Mister Softee is in NYC with an app — like NORAD for ice cream.

The Mister Softee app is like NORAD for ice cream. Secret NYC / Mister Softee App
The Mister Softee app is like NORAD for ice cream. Secret NYC / Mister Softee App

The Mister Softee app is available on both the App Store and Google Play, so anyone can find the trucks in their area and see the truck’s menu before heading over.

Users who download the app have the option to make an account, though it’s not required.

The Mister Softee app is available on both the App Store and Google Play. Christopher Sadowski
The Mister Softee app is available on both the App Store and Google Play. Christopher Sadowski

However, giving the app permission to use your location is needed to track nearby trucks. Those seeking out a Mister Softee truck can then put in their zip code.


A map of all the nearest-to-you Mister Softee trucks will appear — and you can even see how long each individual tuck has been on the road for when you click on it.

If you’re ready to welcome the arrival of spring, be sure to track down a Mister Softee for a sweet treat.