Moment officers find loaded gun in man's sock in Birmingham

This is the moment a loaded gun was found inside a man's sock stashed in a Birmingham man's attic. Officers were drawn to Lomar Turner's loft after spotting polystyrene and insulation in his hair.

West Midlands Police had swooped on the 28-year-old's address in Handsworth on November 27 last year. It took several minutes before the door was opened and a nervous-looking Turner was found by officers.

This is the moment eagle-eyed officers discovered a loaded gun inside a man's sock after being drawn to his attack. Officers' suspicions were raised after they swooped on Lomar Turner's Birmingham home and spotted loft insulation alongside polystyrene in his hair.

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The hatch door to the loft was lined with polystyrene, which immediately drew officers up there. A search inside revealed two loaded and viable firearms in a black pouch, with one in a white sock.

Officers also found multiple bags of cannabis with a street value of over £2,000, several thousands of pounds in cash, multiple sim cards, two machetes and an axe. Turner was arrested after the swoop. He later pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of a prohibited firearm and possession of ammunition without a licence on the day his trial was due to start.

He also pleaded guilty to possession of class B drugs with intent to supply and possession of criminal property at Birmingham Crown Court. He will be sentenced at a later date.

Detective Constable Leah Williams, from Birmingham Major Investigation Team, said: "Turner was involved in serious criminal activity and any one of those weapons could have been responsible for taking a life or inflicting serious injury. There is absolutely no reason or excuse to have weapons like this in anyone’s home or on our streets.

"We continue to act on information to disrupt behaviour like this and take these dangerous people and weapons off our streets. Operation Target sees us taking a defiant stand against a range of serious and organised crime offences – from drug dealing and burglary to cybercrime and fraud."