More than 150 attend General Election Hustings in Settle

The panel inside St John's Church <i>(Image: Submitted)</i>
The panel inside St John's Church (Image: Submitted)

A General Election hustings in Settle saw people ask questions ranging from the cost of living to a lack of respect in the voting system.

Organised by Churches Together in Settle, more than 150 people attended the event held at St John's Methodist Church.

Seven of the eight candidates hoping to be elected to the Skipton and Ripon parliamentary seat were able to attend the hustings, which were chaired by Marian McNichol.

Each candidate was allowed two minutes to present their views. Then pre-submitted questions were taken from the floor and each candidate answered in turn.

Asked how many in the audience had yet to decide who they were going to vote for, around a fifth to a quarter raised their hands.

A spokesperson for organisers, said: "The questions chosen to be asked were representative of questions that had been submitted, and the order given reflected the numbers of questions on that topic. The first pair of questions were on the cost of living, and on farming. The second was on the climate crisis.

"Other questions included on the worry of wars, housing, immigrants, people's lack of respect in the voting system, and Brexit."

Those attending were: Malcolm Birks (Labour); Andy Brown (Green); Simon Garvey (Reform UK); Andrew Murday (Liberal Democrat); Guy Phoenix (Heritage Party); Julian Smith (Conservative) and Keith Tordoff (Independent).

Ryan Kett (Yorkshire Party) is also standing at the General Election on Thursday (July 4).