More than 4,000 cases of Girl Scout cookies distributed in Lewisburg

Mar. 3—LEWISBURG — Girl Scout leaders distributed 4,277 cases of cookies (12 boxes to a case) to regional Heart of Pennsylvania troops at Saturday annual mega drop at the Lewisburg Armory.

"About 70 percent of the proceeds go to the local council; 15 percent goes to the group selling the cookies," said Tina Galdi, product program manager, Girl Scouts in Heart of Pennsylvania. "Cookie purchases allow our council to fund and support programs. Girls can go to camp, the troops can do activities and take lessons together. But each troop has things their own girls like to do."

By 8:30 a.m. Saturday, cars were already lining up to pick up cookies that were already stored in the armory. Organizers could not say how many troops would be picking up cookies on Saturday.

Mary Hassinger, of Troop 60321, Richfield was taking 350 cases. "We have 10 kids, and they are excited to be selling the cookies. They look forward to this every year."

People can buy online, Galdi said. "Each girl will be able to access a link and they can get people who buy to have their cookies shipped within days to their respective homes. Usually, it takes three to five days to ship."

The cost per box of cookies is $6. Thin Mints is the highest-selling type of cookie, Galdi said, followed by Samoas, Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties. There are no new cookies this year. "I'm glad to say there are no shortages in any cookie type this year," Galdi said. "We're well prepared. We have all the cookies that everyone likes."

There are also gluten-free cookies, Galdi said, Caramel Chocolate Chip and Toffee-tastic.

Two licensed bakeries make the cookies — ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers.

Volunteers like Tim Mullen, of Selinsgrove, were part of the crew carrying boxes of cookies to respective troop leaders. "It's fun, I enjoy doing this every year. Although, I wish the weather was better." It was raining hard as he carried boxes to a U-Haul.