More award success for North Yorkshire farm shop

Mandy and Karl Avison with General Manager, Alison Riley
Mandy and Karl Avison with General Manager, Alison Riley

Pickering’s Cedarbarn Farm Shop and Café has been shortlisted in the Family Business of the Year for the Yorkshire region at the 14th National Family Business of the Year Awards that celebrate the best of British family businesses.

Cedarbarn co-founder Mandy Avison said: “We have been farming in the Pickering area for four generations and are passionate about rearing, growing, retailing and serving fresh, seasonal and local produce, so we’re delighted to represent Yorkshire in these national awards.”

Paul Andrews, founder and CEO of Family Business United that organises the awards, said: “These awards are a constant reminder and celebration of the important contribution that family firms make across the UK today, through the jobs they provide, the income they generate and the wealth they create. Family firms are also integral to the communities in which they operate the length and breadth of the nation.”

The results will be announced in London on June 19.