This Morning star issues family update as he thanks NHS for looking after ‘my beautiful hero’

-Credit: (Image: ITV)
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Fashion guru Gok Wan, who regularly hosts his own segments on This Morning, has posted a moving thank you to the NHS on Instagram. In the post, he thanks the NHS for looking after "my beautiful hero" as he gives a family update.

Posting a selfie of himself and his dad, who was admitted to hospital, Gok said: "Dad was discharged last night and is now home where he should be. Thank you to all the nurses, doctors and staff who looked after my beautiful hero. I love the NHS. And thank you to all of you for your messages of love and recovery for poppa wan."

Lots of fans commented supportive messages on the post. One said: "So pleased he is home," followed by a heart eye emoji. Another added: "Lots of love and well wishes to pops Gok x" followed by a red love heart emoji.

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A third said: "Glad Poppa Wan is on the mend x" followed by a heart emoji. In a separate post Gok said how "lucky" he was to have his family, he said: "I love my Dad so much. I have the most wonderful family in the world and I fully know how lucky I am. We have our moments, we don't always agree and my goodness we have argued BUT, we are strongest when we are together - held together like glue. Love you family Wan," followed by a red love heart emoji.

Gok shot to fame in 2006 when he hosted his own TV show How to Look Good Naked and has since gone on to present a series of documentaries on social problems among young people, drawing on his personal battles with obesity and homophobia. For the latest TV & Showbiz news, sign up to our newsletter.