Most violent rugby match ever as player banned for life and nine suspended for years

Video of rugby's most violent mass brawl ever has re-emerged. The clash between Personal Bank Mendoza and Huazihul San Juan Rugby Ceven saw spectators become involved in the fighting, which resulted in the most bans ever issued from one match in the sport.

The video shows chaos unfolding as punches are thrown, people are kicked in the head while on the floor as desperate bystanders try to stop the unfolding madness.

The incident began with a disagreement between the two sides, which appeared to have been dealt with by the referee who separated the players with outstretched arms.

But, after the ball was kicked out, the final whistle blew and mayhem broke loose. After one or two punches were thrown, another right hook sparked the mass violence that saw multiple exchanges of punches all over the pitch.

Pablo De La Plata of Huazihul was given the longest ban after the 2016 incident, until December 31st 2041, or in other words, life. He was one of nine players who received lengthy bans. Team-mates Jose Maria Araoz and Carlos De La Plata were banned for 10 years, with skipper Nicolas De La Plata's suspension ended in 2019.

Huazihul's president issued the following statement: “While this is a contact sport, no excuse is valid to justify the shameful acts that occurred in yesterday between the teams. Our institution has 89 years of history, is a founding club rugby in Cuyo and has always trumpeted the core values that make this sport unlike any other.

“Principles such as respect, companionship, solidarity, should not form hollow words, should rise as standards, especially in modern times where so much misery and indifference is observed.

“There are no words to express the sorrow that invades us as a club at this time."

The full list of bans from the match are below.


– Jose Maria Araoz – Banned until 12/31/2026

– Carlos De La Plata – Banned until 12/31/2026

– Pablo De La Plata – Banned FOR LIFE
, or until 12/31/2041

– Team captain Nicolas De La Plata was banned until 2019, with another two players banned until 2017 and 2018, respectively.


– Manuel Zakalic – Banned until12/31/2016

– Christian Gonzalez – Banned until 12/31/2016

– Pablo Eichler – Suspended until 12/31/2016