Mother duck reunited with her lost ducklings after they fell 30ft off school roof

Nine survived the fall -Credit:RSPCA
Nine survived the fall -Credit:RSPCA

This is the adorable moment a mother duck quacking with delight was reunited with her lost ducklings - all thanks to a mobile phone.

The RSPCA - which revealed video footage of the happy ending - said 12 ducklings became separated from their mum after falling 30ft from the roof of a school.

It's not uncommon for wild ducks to nest in places like trees, but the RSPCA said the roof of Loreto Grammar School in Altrincham, Trafford, was 'an exceptionally high' location.

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Sadly, three didn't survive the fall onto a courtyard at the school below, but nine incredibly did - thanks largely to the fluffy down ducklings are born with.

One of the ducklings with an injury was taken to an RSPCA centre after school staff managed to contain them in a yellow bucket and alert the animal charity.

After being checked over, the healthy ducklings were moved on to the front lawn of the school. But with no sign of their mum, quick-thinking RSPCA Inspector Leanne Cooper took matters into her own hands and started to play duckling noises on her mobile phone to try and encourage the mother duck to come and find her babies.

She said she was just about to give up when the female duck appeared. Quacking loudly, the footage captures the moment the ducklings were released from the bucket onto the lawn before they waddle off behind mum.

The ducklings had hatched on the roof of the school on Dunham Road before they fell on May 2, sparking the super-cute rescue operation. The injured duckling is being cared for at the RSPCA's Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre.

The roof at Loreto Grammar -Credit:RSPCA
The roof at Loreto Grammar -Credit:RSPCA

Inspector Cooper said she played the sounds for around 30 minutes as the remaining eight ducklings huddled together in the bucket.

“After playing duckling calls on my phone as loud as I could, mum eventually realised where they were and came to get them, which was a relief for us all as I was beginning to think she might not return," she said following the rescue.

"I laid the bucket on its side and it was a great sight watching her call them and the little ones emerging from it and running towards her. The school has lovely grounds, so hopefully she’ll be able to keep them all safe.

One of the cute ducklings -Credit:RSPCA
One of the cute ducklings -Credit:RSPCA

"It's not unusual for wild ducks to nest in trees or on a ledge or balcony, and ducklings are born with fluffy down which normally protects them when they leave the nest. But this was an exceptionally high place for them to hatch.

"The school had done the right thing by containing the ducklings, which made it quicker and easier for me to give them all a thorough check over, and we're really grateful for the compassion and concern they showed.

"Every kind of animal deserves a helping hand and we can achieve so much more when we work together."

The RSPCA said the school reported it wasn't the first time ducks has nested on one of its roofs and were grateful for the RSPCA's help.

Information and advice about how to help sick and injured wildlife is available on the RSPCA’s website.