Motherwell schoolgirl who survived cancer completes Pretty Muddy Kids event

-Credit: (Image: WSH])
-Credit: (Image: WSH])

Inspirational Kara McInally who had brain surgery three times to treat a rare cancer led the charge against cancer at Pretty Muddy Glasgow.

The nine-year-old from Motherwell was chosen as VIP starter to sound the horn at Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life Pretty Muddy Kids event in Strathclyde Park.

Kara also took part in the mud-splattered 5k obstacle course as captain of ‘Sassy Squad’ a team of her pals from Ladywell Primary school who supported her through the disease.

Together with Kara’s cousin, Lola McGranaghan, nine, they raised more than £1,720 by wriggling through scramble nets, bouncing on space hoppers and crawling through a mud pit.

It was a proud moment for Kara’s mum Laura, dad Kevin as well as her sister Khloe, three. The event marked a year of Kara being in remission from cancer.

Laura said: “We’re super proud to see Kara cross the finish line with her friends and inspire those who are facing cancer today.

“Two years ago Kara was undergoing chemotherapy, she had also just developed shingles. She was very unwell and in a lot of pain. Even walking long distances was exhausting and she relied on a wheelchair.

“Kara has come so far since then, rebuilt her body and her endurance. Kara’s strength, resilience and love for life kept us going. And Kara’s friends helped her so much. It’s lovely that they’re here today by her side at Pretty Muddy Kids.”

Kara McInally with her medal. -Credit:WSH]
Kara McInally with her medal. -Credit:WSH]

More than £325,000 in total was raised for Cancer Research UK at the event which 3,100 people took part in with the Pretty Muddy event for adults taking place in the afternoon.

The vital funds raised will enable scientists to find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer- helping to save more lives.

Lisa Adams, Cancer Research UK’s spokeswoman in Scotland, said: “We are incredibly grateful to everyone who took part.

“No matter how cancer affects us, life is worth racing for. Sadly nearly 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. Race for Life has the power not only to transform lives, but to save them. We’re proud that Race for Life has already helped double survival rates in the UK.

“Life-saving research already helps people living with cancer every single day. It’s thanks to our supporters who fundraise that we can go further to discover new ways to beat the disease and create a future where everybody can live longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer.

“It was a fantastic day at Pretty Muddy, full of emotion, courage, tears, laughter and hope as people celebrated the lives of those dear to them who have survived cancer and remembered loved ones lost to the disease.

“Now we’re asking everyone who took part to return the money they’re raised as soon as possible. Funds raised - whether it’s £10 or £100 - will help scientists find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, helping save more lives.”

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