Motorists discover common car mistake – and it could be ruining your vehicle

Angry Caucasian businessman shouting out car window
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

There are numerous ways to ensure your car remains in pristine condition.

Regularly filling up with high-quality fuel and using the correct gears are prime examples of good vehicle maintenance. However, a simple error with the gearstick could prove costly if you're not vigilant.

A TikTok user, @master_driver666, who has an impressive 760,300 followers, recently uploaded a video highlighting a common mistake. Renowned for her helpful car maintenance tips, she titled her latest 8-second video: "Wrong ways to shorten car life by 10 years."

In it, she illustrates the proper technique for parking using the handbrake and gears, contrasting the incorrect approach with the right one.

The video quickly gained traction, amassing over 300 likes and numerous comments. One viewer expressed gratitude, commenting: "Thanks for that."

Another queried: "What is the difference between? " This isn't the first time her advice has been a hit with drivers.

In another instance, she revealed a lesser-known trick involving car keys that can save drivers time. The footage shows a woman struggling to unlock her car with an electronic key.

When it fails, she uses a hidden slot to unlock the door manually with the key, bypassing the need for immediate battery replacement or assistance from a garage.

Motorists have been left stunned by a simple yet often overlooked tip: locate the slot to insert your key, and you're all set. In another revelation, drivers were recently enlightened about three obscure car buttons that could revolutionise their driving experience.