MPS ready to name 2024 Teacher of the Year

Feb. 17—Educational speaker and writer Dr. Debbie Silver is set to speak during the McAlester Public Schools Teacher of the Year ceremony.

Silver, who has spent 30 years as a teacher, staff development instructor, and university professor, is the keynote speaker as MPS will host staff for a ceremony announcing the Teacher of the Year starting at 8:30 a.m. Monday in the Lucy Smith Center at McAlester High School.

The former Louisiana State Teacher of the Year is one of the most popular keynote speakers and professional development presenters and has given presentations around the nation and world, helping audiences to interact with students on a more meaningful level.

Silver is a best-selling author and helps inspire educators to enjoy the job and reminds them of how important they are in the lives of children and their families.

MPS Teacher of the Year finalists include Robin Wilson, Kelsey Jackson, Kelly Blenis, Sarah Duff, and Bryn Greer.

Wilson is the special education teacher for the Elementary Behavior Program at Will Rogers Elementary with Jackson teaching first-grade at the elementary school.

Blevins is a math teacher at Randy Hughes Middle School.

Duff is a third-grade teacher at Puterbaugh Upper Elementary with Greer teaching fourth grade at the school.

Brooke Mason was named the 2023 MPS Teacher of the Year.

Mason, during her speech after being announced as the winner, challenged her fellow teachers to remember the reason why they started teaching.

"I want you to remember your why — why you wanted to be a teacher," Mason said. "Whatever your reason may be, remember your why. Daily we are faced with distractions in the classroom and these distractions can cause us to lose sight of the why we teach. So, on the days when you might question if you're making a difference or maybe making a career change — think back on your why and why you want to be a teacher."