Mrs Hinch fan 'can't fault' window cleaning hack for 'no streaks or smears'

Window with very dirty and dusty glass in daylight
Sunshine can make dirty windows more obvious -Credit:Getty Images

With the weather finally starting to get sunny, many households may be noticing previously hidden streaks on their windows.

As the extra light highlights these smudges, now may be the time to get out the cleaning supplies, but it's important to use ones that also won't leave streaks behind. If you're on the hunt for a tested and effective window cleaning method, one woman can't stop praising a solution made with household ingredients.

The cleaning enthusiast took to a social media page dedicated to cleaning influencer Mrs Hinch, to tell others of her window results with a homemade spray that was recommended to her. She claims that it cleaned her windows faster than official cleaning products and says it costs "next to nothing" to make.

Writing on Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips Facebook, she said: "Yesterday I cleaned my windows (can’t stand this job!) using a tip I read here …. white vinegar, a squeeze of washing up liquid in water. I used a cheap spray bottle and the results are really impressive!

"It didn’t take nearly as long as commercial products because it worked first time, i.e. no smears or streaks and obviously cost next to nothing. Can’t fault it. So thank you to all the folk who suggested this."

Fellow members flocked to the comments section to back her claim, with one explaining the exact ratios of each ingredient to use. "About a tablespoon of vinegar to one and a half/two cups of water and a squeeze of washing up liquid", they advised.

After the woman in question stated that she used kitchen roll to wipe away window streaks another said that "they come up even better if you buff them dry with a newspaper."

Backing the method, a third penned: "This is method I’ve used years easy cheap and any age can do. I also use dishcloth for the wet cleaning part and spray astonish glass on surface - quick wipe kitchen roll- cotton cloth/tea towel buff. This solution fab for shower screens and baths too."

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