MTG Burns Bridges and Lovingly Talks Crossfit in Feisty Interview


Marjorie Taylor Greene took the opportunity to throw some serious shade on a number of her enemies Thursday night during a feisty interview, while crediting her passion, Crossfit, for “making you tough.”

“If you can suffer through those workouts, then you can stick it out in a fight with the Democrats any day of the week.”

Greene appeared on “The Right View with Lara Trump,” first hitting out at the queens of daytime television at The View for poking fun at the white coat she wore throughout President Joe Biden’s entire State of the Union speech Tuesday.

“I’m not a fan of the angry, nasty women on The View,” Greene tweeted. That’s why I joined the beautiful @LaraLeaTrump on The RIGHT View.”

But that was only the first item on her list of grievances.

Appearing on the online show, Greene echoed many of the same sentiments from her appearance on Sean Hannity Wednesday night, including calling Joe Biden a “coward” and claiming that Republicans do not want to cut Social Security and Medicare (despite evidence proving otherwise). She added at one point that she “couldn’t contain” herself during this week’s State of the Union address, which prompted her to shout and at several points outright interrupt the historically quite civil address.

Then, she got sassy.

“Unlike Nancy Pelosi, who tore up President [Donald] Trump’s speech behind his back, I wasn’t going to pull any gimmicks when the President was at the Capitol,” Greene told Trump, claiming she was never going to bring that big white balloon she paraded around the building before the president’s speech.

“I do think balloons could be considered dangerous, and I didn’t want to pose any threat in any way, or least make it look like that,” she said.

Claiming Biden is “owned by China,” she then slammed the Department of Defense for “failing the test—because they didn’t work very hard to get Joe Biden to shoot that balloon down before it entered our airspace.”

“Our country did not act and so once again, when we withdrew out of Afghanistan and we failed miserably there on the world stage, we failed again a very serious test just last week before the State of the Union.”

Then, it was Wikipedia’s turn.

“It’s unbelievable,” she said, apropos of nothing describing a staffer’s unsuccessful attempts at “correcting the lies” on the crowdsourced internet encyclopedia. “They get to say whatever they want,” Greene said. “Wikipedia will say the most atrocious lies about you.”

She also at one point turned her ire on the Obama-era Republican-controlled Congress for its “failures,” which prompted her to join politics in the first place.

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It was at this point she turned her attention to Crossfit, her first love.

Greene, who owned her own gym in Georgia, called Crossfit Passion, claimed she competed in the sport and that by 2015 she “was actually 47th in the world.” (Her worldwide ranking appears to be 62, according to online rankings, though it does appear she was ranked 47th in the United States.)

Greene claims she still trains “but not like I used to, I squeeze in about an hour... very early in the morning.”

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