How much exercise do you need to burn off your favourite treats?

One small treat for man, one giant workout needed to burn it off - E+
One small treat for man, one giant workout needed to burn it off - E+

Would you scoff a bar of milk chocolate if you knew that it’d take 42 minutes of walking to burn off those calories? Or down a can of fizzy soft drink knowing that you'll need to do a 13 minute run to cancel it out?

A new scientific review from Loughborough University suggests you might not. The review looked at 14 different studies that explored the impact of a food labelling system based around exercise rather just calories, and found that it led to people eating 63kcal less per meal.

The thinking is that if you put the calories in context – ie see how much movement it will take to burn off the energy you're consuming – then people are more likely to avoid overeating. And since sugar-heavy products like chocolate contain far more calories than, say, a salmon salad, and therefore require more exercise to reach equilibrium, it might nudge people towards healthier food choices.

There are potential arguments against implementing an exercise-for-calories system. For example, we expend energy every second, whether or not we're working out; it would be wrong to think that all food has to be burnt down the gym. And because our metabolisms all react differently, 42 minutes of walking does not equal one milk chocolate bar for everyone in the land. The numbers take a broad brush to human individuality.

However, given the UK's increasing obesity crisis, there are clearly issues with the current food labelling system. And it seems logical that showing someone the amount of physical activity they need to do to work off a certain product is a good way of making them aware of the consequences of what they eat. (Did you know that some high street scones contain as much as 756kcal? Add jam and cream to the mix and you'd need to run for an hour and a half to work it off.)

So, how much exercise do you have to do to work off your favourite treats? We've crunched the numbers to give you a rough estimate in the table at the bottom of this article. But first, in true scientific style, here's the workings we used to get the numbers...

How many calories does cardio burn?

According to data used by the US army, if you weigh 100lbs (just over 7 stone; or 45kg) and run on a treadmill for one hour at 5mph, you’ll burn 384kcal.

The data points to it being a reasonably linear equation, so using a bit of back-of-a-fag-packet maths, you can calculate that you’ll burn 3.84kcal per pound you weigh for every hour you run at 5mph. Divide by 60, and you learn that you’ll burn 0.064kcal per pound of your weight per minute.

According to data from the last National Health Survey in 2010, the average UK man weighs 185lbs, meaning he’d burn 11.84kcal per minute while running at 5mph. The average UK woman weighs 152lbs, so she’d burn 9.72kcal per minute at the same speed.

burning calories - Credit: Shalom Ormsby/Getty Images Free
If you knew how long you'd have to spend in the gym to burn off that mid-afternoon snack, would you eat it in the first place? Credit: Shalom Ormsby/Getty Images Free

How many calories does strength training burn?

Given that strength training is becoming increasingly popular as a measure of burning calories, you may also be interested in how much weight and resistance training it would take to burn your favourite snacks.

According to data from the Harvard School of Medicine, you burn about 0.72kcal per pound of your weight in a half-hour general weight-lifting session at average intensity. This means our average UK man and woman would burn 4.4kcal and 3.6kcal per minute in a half-hour weight-lifting session.

Obviously there are considerably more variables at play in resistance training, such as the weight you're lifting and the frequency of lists, so take this one with an extra pinch of salt.

How much exercise is needed to burn off food?

Obviously these figures are very much estimates. A larger person will burn more calories just moving around, for example, and there’s something called the Basal metabolic rate to take into account, which is the amount of energy you expend while resting, just to keep your heart pumping and brain working. The Basal metabolic rate gets boosted after exercising and remains at a heightened level throughout the day; but its exact variations will change from person to person.

So, we wouldn't suggest crafting your new workout regime and diet using the figures we've calculated here. However, they are useful insofar as they give a top line comparison to the amount of calories in the foods we eat.

Using the estimates, in the table below, we've given a (sandpaper) rough approximation of how long the average adult may need to work out to burn off some of Britain's favourite indulgences – from crisps to double G&Ts.

So, now you know how long it'll take you to burn off that bar of chocolate, will you think twice about eating it in the first place?