Mum-of-four fighting for life after tragic incident during family holiday in Spain

Mum-of-four Stephanie Williams is fighting for her life in an Alicante hospital
-Credit: (Image: Williams family)

A mum-of-four has been left battling for her life after suffering a horror seizure and falling seriously unwell just hours before she and her family were due to return home from a holiday in Spain. Stephanie Williams, from Swansea, had been enjoying a getaway to Alicante with her four children, and was preparing to fly home to Wales when the tragedy struck.

At around 1am last Saturday (June 8), Stephanie suffered a seizure in her hotel room, much to the shock of her children, who witnessed the ordeal, and ran to the hotel reception for help. And after forking out £13,000 in hospital bills in order for tests to be run on Stephanie, it was discovered that she had a ruptured aneurysm, and required brain surgery.

The surgery took place on Monday, June 10 - but Stephanie, aged 42, still remains in "a very critical condition" in intensive care in an Alicante hospital, with family members from the UK keeping a constant vigil by her bedside, according to Manchester Evening News.

And although her children have now returned home to Swansea, her daughter Aimee has set up a GoFundMe page to try and relieve some of the financial pressures on her family from her mum's initial medical care.

Stephanie with her daughter Aimee - who has set up a GoFundMe page to help relieve some of the family's financial pressures from Stephanie's initial medical costs
Stephanie with her daughter Aimee - who has set up a GoFundMe page to help relieve some of the family's financial pressures from Stephanie's initial medical costs -Credit:Williams family

Writing on the fundraising page, Aimee described the situation as "unimaginable", and said: "My mum is only 42, and me and my brothers and sister need her to wake up and fight to get better so she can come home to us.

"My mum is the most selfless person in the whole world and has always put others before herself, and now I’m asking for help for her when she needs it the most. She’s worked as a nurse herself, a midwife, and then a bereavement midwife supporting families.

"I want to raise as much money as I can to relieve the financial pressures of my family. I would just like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read my story and for any money you can spare."

Following the initial expenses paid by the family, travel insurance is now covering the costs of Stephanie's ongoing treatment at a different hospital, where Stephanie's father, brothers, and partner have flown out to stay by her side.

And despite the success of the operation, Stephanie remains in a "very critical condition in intensive care", with the family shrouded in uncertainty as regarding her long-term prognosis or hospitalisation period.

As a result, the cost of her loved ones remaining with her in Spain is mounting by the day. And the family's hardships are compounded by the fact that Stephanie lost her own mum just two months ago, piling yet more stress and heartbreak onto an already grieving family.

The GoFundMe page, set up by Stephanie's daughter Aimee, and Stephanie's sister-in-law, Jade Wright, has already garnered massive attention, raising over £17,000 in just a matter of days since it was started.

In an update on Thursday, Aimee wrote: "We as a family would like to say a HUGE thank you for the continued support we are receiving for mum. I can’t believe we have nearly hit my second target of £15,000.

"Although this is a huge amount, my mum is currently self-employed so is therefore having no income whilst in intensive care. The road to recovery will be long, and I want to ensure a family member can be with mum in Alicante at all times so she isn’t on her own.

"To try and remove some of the financial pressure for us to do this, I am going to increase my target to £20,000, so please keep sharing. If there is any money from the donations left over, once mum is home and better this will be donated to an aneurysm charity."

To donate to the family's fundraising page, visit here.