Mum furious after child went for sleepover but pal's parents went to pub

The mum was fuming her child was left unsupervised at a sleepover (STOCK IMAGE)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

When you send your child for a sleepover, you would naturally assume the parents would be present to keep an eye on the kids and be ready in case of any emergency.

And it's also fair to expect that the kids would be entertained in some way or at least provided with snacks and general care while in their friend's home.

However, this wasn't the case for one 12-year-old who was left unsupervised with their friend while the parents went out. They claimed it was to go to the office, but it turned out to be a trip to the pub, The Mirror reports.

The visiting child's mother only found out some time after the incident, but said it was the "final nail in the coffin" for associating with that family.

She ranted on Mumsnet about the situation, furious at her child being left alone but also at the general lack of care shown towards the kids, comparing it to how she hosts sleepovers.

In an angry post, she wrote: "There are a lot of other issues with this family but recently found this out. The first time my child, 12, went for a sleepover at her friend's house the parents told them around 8.30pm they were 'going to the office' (15/20) mins away.

"Anyway the dad came back two hours later. His children asked, 'where's mum?', 'at the pub' he said. The mum in my child's words 'stumbles in' later slurring, saying 'Sorry it's been a s**t night, I think I have Covid'. She was p****d up.

"So basically they hadn't entertained the kids at any point, just lied they were going to the office at 8.30 at night and f****d off to get p****d.

"She had left my child and her friend, 12, and their other child, 9, keep in mind she has to get babysitters for her kids when they go out. I'm p**sed off this is just the final nail on a big f**k off coffin with these people."

Comparing the parents' treatment of the children to her own hosting, she added: "When I have sleepovers, I cook, try and plan activities etc if the kids want to but I would never in a million years leave someone's child unattended! Especially at night time! The kids are only really just 12.

"I've not said anything yet for the kids sake but should I? Apart from this, the woman is honestly unbearable anyway.. This incident happened a few months ago before any other incident. I didn't know her beforehand as it's a friend my child made when starting secondary school."

Three children were left alone while the parents went to the pub (STOCK IMAGE)
Three children were left alone while the parents went to the pub (STOCK IMAGE) -Credit:Getty Images

The mum's story split opinions online, with some parents supporting the angry mum, while others felt that kids of that age could be left alone for a couple of hours - though they were still critical about the other mother going to the pub.

One person advised: "Contact safeguarding at school about her kids and never let yours stay over again."

Another recommended: "I'd encourage future sleep-overs to be at your house in future regardless, just tell them you really enjoy hosting and they may be grateful."

Someone else commented: "It's not right, but I don't know why you expect parents to entertain 12-year-olds at a sleepover. At that age, even before that age, I'd expect the kids to just do their own thing in their rooms or whatever."

Another added: "In my opinion, 12 is an appropriate age for children to be left on their own for a few hours. Granted the doors are locked, they know how to safely use and switch off appliances and know who to contact in case of an emergency."

"However, It was inappropriate of the mother to get p**sed up and return shouting about Covid in front of the children. If you're uncomfortable with the whole setup, don't allow your child to sleep over there again. Or wait until she's a couple of years older like 14/15 to sleep there again."

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