Mum given devastating blow one week after dad's funeral

(L-R): Michael, Becca, Anne-Marie and Ian Taylor, from Maghull
-Credit: (Image: Cancer Research UK)

A mum was diagnosed with cancer 12 months after her best friend died from the same disease.

Anne-Marie Taylor, from Maghull, said she started noticing a lump under her arm during in September 2020, just 12 months after her friend of 30-years Lou Cave died. It was a particularly tough time for Anne-Marie who was also dealing with the sudden death of her dad Peter, following a fall.

The mum-of-two was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer, a week after her dad’s funeral. Due to the restrictions at the time she had to go through all her treatment alone.

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Former teacher Anne-Marie, who also has ME, has recently taken medical retirement. She said: “My dad had just passed away and my mind was full of funeral plans and looking after my mum. I popped home to have a shower and I noticed a lump under my arm, and I know my body, it definitely wasn’t there the last time I showered. I joke to people that it was my dad giving me a sign that I needed to get to the doctors.

“I was supposed to get the results the day of my dad’s funeral, but we put it off to the next week. Then I was told I had cancer. My first thought was how was I going to tell the kids after what had happened to my friend Lou. She was only 44 when she died, she was young and healthy and it was a shock."

Anne-Marie Taylor, from Maghull
Anne-Marie Taylor, from Maghull -Credit:Cancer Research UK

The 52-year-old said she thought the chances of her getting the same disease would be "pretty low". She added: "She was an amazing person and fought right to the end. She raised loads of money for Cancer Research UK and I have since done Race for Life events, to continue her legacy and give something back to the research that saved my life.

“I remember thinking about the odds of cancer and Lou being the person I knew with it, and how the chances were surely pretty low of me also getting it. I never thought I’d also be getting diagnosed 12 months after she passed away. It was hard to tell our friends, who’d just lost Lou that I now had cancer as well.

“I was by myself when they told me I had cancer, and it was tough going to all the appointments and everything on my own, my husband Ian had to wait in the car. Although I did get to go out twice a week for treatment. It was during that time when you weren’t allowed to leave the house.”

Anne-Marie, who is mum to Becca, 22 and 20-year-old Michael, believes she owes her life to Cancer Research UK after she was told she had a type of breast cancer that could be controlled by a targeted treatment the charity helped to develop, called Herceptin.

Anne-Marie Taylor, from Maghull
Anne-Marie Taylor, from Maghull -Credit:Cancer Research UK

Following a lumpectomy, Anne-Marie received the drug which stops cancerous cells from growing and dividing, alongside chemotherapy. Then after also undergoing radiotherapy she was declared cancer-free at the end of last year.

Soon, Anne-Marie will have reconstructive surgery and will continue to take hormone therapy drug Exemestane for the next 10 years. Now Anne-Marie, who calls herself one of the ‘lucky ones’, is backing Cancer Research UK’s Turning Point for Cancer campaign which calls on the next UK government to help save more lives, like hers, from cancer.

Anne-Marie said: “I know that if the research hadn’t been done into Herceptin that I wouldn’t be here. Ladies didn’t survive the cancer I had in the past before this drug was available.

"But, thanks to research and the incredible NHS staff who treated me, I’m still here and able to enjoy many more precious moments with my family. But not everyone is so fortunate. That’s why I’m supporting this campaign.

“I think it’s so important going forwards that the next government invest in cancer care. When you hear those terrible words, 'It’s cancer', all you want to know is you – or your loved one – have the best possible chance of surviving. This election, politicians must help make this a reality for cancer patients everywhere now and in the future.”

Cancer Research UK’s calculations reveal that within five years, the next UK government could help prevent around 650 deaths from the disease in the North West. That’s if a long-term, fully funded cancer strategy is rapidly rolled out after the election, along with measures to support research and better prevent, diagnose, and treat the disease.

With sustained progress, this could rise to 3,800 deaths avoided in the region in a decade. Anne-Marie is urging people across Merseyside to call on their local parliamentary candidates to commit to transforming cancer survival by emailing them now at

Anne-Marie is in good company with her campaigning efforts. Familiar faces from stage and screen, including actors Merseyside’s very own Stephen Graham and John Bishop who have already lent their support.

If you would like to back the Turning Point for Cancer campaign now at

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