Mum says she's stopped washing the bedsheets and no one in her family has noticed

A self-proclaimed 'domestic goddess' has confessed to giving up on washing her family's bedsheets regularly, as no one in her household seems to notice. How much time do you dedicate each day or week to house chores?

From laundering and changing bed linens, ironing clothes, to ensuring everything is tidy and in its place, the tasks can be overwhelming.

Laundry expert Deyan Dimitrov, the CEO of Laundryheap, suggests that we should wash our bedsheets weekly and change our pyjamas every three nights. This might seem feasible if you live alone, but when you're managing these tasks for a whole family, while juggling work and childcare, it can quickly become daunting.

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One mother recently confessed that she's abandoned her attempts to maintain domestic perfection and has reduced the frequency of washing the bedding. In an article for, Julie Whiting expressed that these household chores began to feel futile - as her efforts went unnoticed at home, reports the Mirror.

She stated: "Washing bedding saps a lot of time for minimal reward. Crisp sheets only feel good for about one minute after I get into bed, and they don't improve my quality of sleep. Nobody else in my family even notices, so there are no pats on the back for being a domestic goddess."

The debate over household chores has taken a new turn as one parent openly questioned the necessity of changing bed sheets regularly, suggesting there are no dire consequences to a less frequent laundry schedule. "My partner and kids don't implore me to launder them or notice either way. Contrary to what the propaganda tells us should happen, I am not drowning in phlegm or regret or anything else," she stated.

This sentiment is echoed by others, including Kodie Quinlivan, a mum-of-four from Perth, Western Australia, who let laundry pile up during lockdown, coining the term 'Mount Fold-more' for the heap of clothes in her living room. She shared an image of the chaos on the Mums Who Clean Facebook page, captioning it: "During COVID an homeschooling four kids I didn't bother about folding any washing, it ended up like this! I decided to sit on it, take a picture and own it.."

Adding to the conversation, comedian Mandy Nolan also made waves online with her candid post about giving up housework, aiming to act "like a man" in her approach. She expressed her disdain for chores, stating, "It's so much effort maintaining order. It's clearly not the natural state. I'm tired of spending another minute of my life doing something pointless and ultimately unrewarding.

"As anyone who has lived with me will attest, I've maintained an unrelenting regime of sorting and dusting and wiping and waxing. And yelling. I am 52, I'll be dead soon. I don't want to lie on my death bed thinking 'f**k I wished I'd cleaned the fan'. "Why are women judged by the state of their homes and men are not?

"I am sure blokes don't visit other blokes for a beer and think 'f**k Gary really needs to get the spray and wipe on his coffee table'.

"I'm not doing it anymore," she declared. "I've decided to give zero f**ks. When my husband makes the bed and he doesn't achieve my level of excellence, I won't re-make the bed. I'll learn to leave it."

This story was first published in July 2020.