Mum slams 'stupid' school rule that could cost her small fortune - but some say it's a good idea

She knows her daughter will end up losing her new water bottle (stock)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/Westend61)

A mum has shamed her daughter's school for its 'stupid' rule that could end up costing her a small fortune. The mother explained how her 12-year-old came home with a pink water bottle instead of the usual Evian bottle she carried every day to school.

Upon having a conversation with her daughter, she discovered that the school is advocating to reduce waste and hence encourages pupils to reuse their new water bottles regularly in class. Although fully on board with this initiative, she suspects it may cost her a lot since her daughter tends to lose bottles frequently.

On the parenting forum Mumsnet, she claimed: "My daughter brought home a pink water bottle yesterday, I thought she'd brought home somebody else's, as she usually takes a bottle of Evian because she's forever losing them. No, this is a new required equipment, with the school logo, her name, and form on it. I'm just worried that she'll lose it and I'll have to pay for a replacement, and another, and another."

Although all forum users showed support for the idea, several wondered why it was necessary for the bottles to carry the school's logo. One user shared: "My daughter's school has similar after a big thing to reduce waste, though no name on theirs, so what happens is as they get lost, they're all brought together so kids that lose them come and grab one with the right form colour lid which I guess helps or, more often, I find hers sitting on the table while she's at school like right now.."

Another user chimed in: "Much better for the environment than single-use plastic. Our school stipulates re-useable water bottles but they can be any, not the school logo. A third user shared: "My daughter's secondary school has recently started this. Instead of buying a drink in a bottle, they buy a token and fill their bottles from a filling point." One more user added: "Seems quite a good idea - much better than taking in bottles of Evian every day and throwing away the bottles."