Mum told police days before her death she feared partner would kill her, court hears

Holly Sanchez, 32, was found dead at a house in Crawley last year <i>(Image: Sussex Police/PA)</i>
Holly Sanchez, 32, was found dead at a house in Crawley last year (Image: Sussex Police/PA)

A mother-of-five told police she feared for her life days before being murdered by her abusive partner, a court heard.

Holly Sanchez, 32, suffered at the hands of her violent and controlling boyfriend Ryan Evans before pleading with police  not to let him know she had spoken to them, the jury was told.

Evans, 30, punched, kicked and bit her during their short relationship and she was seen with candle wax on her arms, Lewes Crown Court heard.

Evans is accused of murdering Holly, who died on May 13 last year.

The jury heard how Evans was said to have dialled 999 after finding her cold body in the morning and told police she was fine before they went to sleep.

Evans was on conditional bail which said he must not contact her.

Ryan Richter, prosecuting, said her body was found covered in bruises on two bloodstained pillows on the floor in the living room of Evans' home in Oates Walk, Crawley.

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Mr Richter told the jury: "It was about 8.45am on May 13 last year when police were called.

"They found the body of a 32-year-old woman in the living room lying on the floor. It was immediately apparent she had multiple injuries.

"Her face was swollen, she was covered in bruising with blackened eyes and had blood around her mouth and nose."

The court heard Ryan Evans was found in the same room where he had slept on the black leather sofa.

Mr Richter said a post mortem examination confirmed extensive injures all over her body, including five rib fractures, obvious head injuries and bruising to the left side of her chest.

Expert evidence showed she had suffered brain injuries similar to people who had been in a car accident at least two days before she died and had developed pneumonia.

Mr Richter told the court: "Her left lung had been damaged, causing pneumonia which ultimately led to her death.

"It's the prosecution case in the short time they were together he regularly subjected her to domestic violence. Beating her and hurting her. He caused those serious injuries which led to her death in the days before she died. It is the prosecution case that he murdered her."

He said Evans had been arrested and released on police bail less than a month before Holly's death, with Holly having told the police she was scared he would kill her if he found out that she had spoken to them.

Mr Richter said people had seen Evans attacking Holly a number of times before she died, including a man nearby.

He said: "Suddenly Ryan lost it, he said. He dragged her by her hair, punched her, stamped on her head and kicked her ribs. Holly was trying to shout, but because of her swollen lips was only making a noise."

The court heard how Holly's neighbours called police several times before she was found dead after they heard abusive threats and saw Evans punch her in the face.

Mr Richter said Holly's brother and father saw a candle wax burn on her arm and bruising to her face.

The jury was told Holly and Evans got together after her husband Carlos Sanchez was jailed for assaulting another man with a knife in late 2022.

Holly's life had become more chaotic after her husband was jailed, the court heard. She was an alcoholic and there was an ASBO on her home address.

During the hearing yesterday, Evans flicked through pictures and computer generated images of Holly's injuries as he sat in the dock wearing matching grey shorts and T-shirt.

He denies murder, assaults and coercive and controlling behaviour.

The trial at Lewes Crown Court, sitting, in Brighton continues.