Murder bid horror as CCTV shows moment man tries to burn down Scots flat with child inside

A man who tried to murder a young boy and another man by setting a fire outside their door in a high-rise block of flats has been jailed for six years.

Craig McQuillian was caught on CCTV entering the 14-story block in Fidra Court, Edinburgh, at around 11.30pm on November 12, 2023.

The 44-year-old was carrying a crowbar and a plastic bag with a container filled with petrol.

McQuillian was filmed getting out the lift, dressed in black, dousing the floor with petrol outside the door of the property before setting it alight.

Craig McQuillian was jailed for six years
Craig McQuillian was jailed for six years -Credit:Police Scotland

He fled the scene back into the lift and was filmed walking calmly out the main entrance to the building with the crowbar and the plastic bag.

A young child, who was inside the affected flat, shouted fire after he smelt burning while in bed.

The flat's other occupant put the blaze out by using a wet towel.

McQuillian pled guilty at the High Court in Edinburgh on Tuesday and was sentenced to six years in prison.

He admitted attempting to murder his two victims by wilfully setting fire to their front door and blocking their only escape route.

Craig McQuillian admitted attempting to murder two people inside the flat
Craig McQuillian admitted attempting to murder two people inside the flat -Credit:COPFS

A commander from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service who attended the scene said the fire could have spread and caused extensive damage to the block of flats, and could have risked the lives of people.

Moira Orr, who leads on homicide and major crime for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, said: "This was an extremely reckless act that could have had devastating consequences had it not been for the brave and swift actions of his victims.

“Craig McQuillian carefully planned this targeted attack, which took place when most residents would have been asleep in bed.

“It was only by good fortune that the young child smelled burning and was able to raise the alarm in time. McQuillian will now have to face the consequences of his callous actions and I hope this conviction gives his victims some comfort.

“Our prosecutors will continue to do our utmost to prosecute those who carry out dangerous acts such as this to help keep the communities we serve safe.”

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