Music educator receives lifetime achievement award post-surgery

Pam Wedgwood journeyed from the Isle of Wight to London to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award. <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
Pam Wedgwood journeyed from the Isle of Wight to London to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award. (Image: Supplied)

Despite recent hip surgery, Islander Pam Wedgwood journeyed from the Isle of Wight to London to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award.

The accolade, part of the Art of Piano Education series, was given to Pam at a ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall last week.

Pam, who has a long history with Faber Music since 1988, is known for her educational compositions.

Having recently had a hip replacement and with a knee operation booked, the composer's attendance was uncertain.

Yet, she travelled accompanied by her son who flew from Queensland, Australia.

This event marks a special occasion in her illustrious career as Pam joined other music figures to appreciate performances from aspiring pianists.

Pam said: "It was such a shock to be nominated for the award and win. I thought they had got the wrong person!

"It was wonderful to be able to collect the award in person with my son there to support me after he had flown all the way from Australia for the event.

"I had been a bit worried about making the journey from the Isle of Wight to London as I have not long had a hip replacement and about to have my knee replaced too!

"The award has really aided my recovery and given me a great goal too. My surgeon Dr Khan, at Practice Plus Group Hospital, Southampton, reassured me that I’d recover in time.

"I’d been struggling with knee pain for several years and was getting lots of aches and pains in both my knee and hips. I used to run a lot and I guess my body took a lot of wear and tear."

Pam is also known on the Island for running West Wight Dementia Choir.