The Must-Have Male Accessory This Christmas: The Clip-On Man Bun

There are two types of men in this world: those who have a clip-on man bun and those who want a clip-on man bun.

And if you are in the second camp, prepare to save a lot of money.

Groupon has launched a hair-raising sale on clip-on man buns, cutting their price from $65 (£43) to just $9.99 (£6.60), because not every male is lucky enough to have enough hair to make a natural bob.

The typically tongue-in-cheek blurb on its “Clip In Man Bun” sales page describes the coveted item as being “for the man who wears many hats, but no bun”.

It reads: “One of the hottest trends in men’s fashion, the man bun has been popularised by fixed-gear bicyclists and introspective Hollywood actors alike.

“But although the hairstyle oozes with fashion sense, those who sport it might find themselves outcasts in sports bars, motorcycle gangs, and the annual government-mandated machismo test.

“This attachable — and, equally important, detachable — man bun lets you blend in with your surroundings, putting it on when you smell fair-trade coffee or hear a banjo, and taking it off when someone utters the word ‘bro’.”

Groupon has kindly provided instructions on how to wear the clip-on.

It says: “Attach the man bun to your natural hair the way the lay public attached itself to Arcade Fire.”

They come in three colours: black, brown and blond.

(Pictures: Groupon)