Mysterious Unexplained Fireball Hurtles Into The Earth Above Bangkok

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a gigantic fireball.

This blaze of glory was spotted hurtling to the Earth above Bangkok in Thailand. Was it Superman plummeting to the sky from the planet Krypton? Probably not. But no one really knows what it was.

The phenomenon was captured on a car’s dashboard camera on a busy road in Bangkok. A long trail of light is seen in the sky, before forming a large ball as it gets closer to the ground.

What happened next is anyone’s guess, as the apparent fireball has not yet been explained or identified.

There is speculation that it may be a meteor, space debris or even a burning balloon. The video footage was captured on a road in the Northaburi area of Thailand.

But there were no reports of any accidents or explosions in the area after the clip was recorded, indicating that the fireball, if it was a meteor, may have burned up on entry into the atmosphere.

(Picture: Porjai Jaturongkhakun/YouTube)