Mystery as DWP refuses to say which conditions are at risk in PIP crackdown

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A man at an ATM -Credit:iStockphoto/Getty Images

Some ailments face no longer being eligible for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in a crackdown on disability benefits, according to Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) minister. DWP's Secretary Mel Stride, however, did not specify which medical conditions would be affected.

Stride intends the proposed changes to result in a "fair and compassionate" system offering "bespoke" support. Alison McGovern, the Shadow Secretary for Work and Pensions, had robust words for her opposite number: "In recent weeks, the Secretary of State has decided to speak out of both sides of his mouth.

"On the one hand he says 'I am grateful for today's more open approach to mental health', and with the same breath he tells us 'there is danger that this has gone too far'. He wants it both ways, he thinks that openness about mental health is good but then says the very thing that brings back the stigma.

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"Every time (Mr Stride) speaks, he makes it less likely that people will be open about their mental health." Ms Govern then went further: "He says some health conditions can be taken out of Pip assessments, which conditions are we talking about?" reports Birmingham Live.

Stride assured McGovern that her apprehensions would be considered during the consultation phase. Speaking previously to The Times, he hinted at an end to financial help for those suffering from "milder health conditions". He told the Commons: "I think we should explore whether that approach we have at the moment is the best one in terms of outcomes.

"We have much to learn from the experiences of other countries around the world who have a similar benefit but go about the organisation and application of that benefit in a different way. New Zealand, for example, does indeed make payments based on invoices submitted for equipment by those who are receiving the benefit; Norway, for example doesn't have assessments in the way that we do, they rely more on medical evidence provided by medical practitioners."

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