Mystery National Lottery winner in Birmingham commuter town yet to be found

pen marking lottery numbers
A lucky lottery winner hasn't yet come forward -Credit:Getty Images

A Midlands National Lottery winner who bought their ticket ahead of Christmas has yet to come forward to claim a life-changing jackpot. A winning Thunderball top prize ticket was bought on Birmingham outskirts and there is only a month left to claim the prize.

The mystery winner has won a whopping £500,000 with their Thunderball top prize ticket. National Lottery chiefs have now issued details of where it was bought in a bid to jog memories and find the lucky contestant having a festive flutter.

They say that taking time to check old tickets could be "the most profitable five minutes of your life" as there is a half a million pound jackpot waiting to be clinched.

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If no-one comes forward with the winning ticket before the prize claim deadline, the prize money and all the interest it has generated will go to help National Lottery-funded projects across the UK instead.

The winning Thunderball ticket was bought in Redditch in Worcestershire, at the end of Birmingham's Cross City line ahead of Christmas last year. The lucky punter purchased the ticket for the draw on December 8.

They ended up matching all five main numbers and the Thunderball. The numbers were 2, 15, 31, 35, 37 and the Thunderball was 6.

National Lottery advisors think the winner may not even be aware that they have the prize-winning ticket. They only have until June 5 to claim their winnings and could live or work in Redditch or been passing through to Birmingham or other parts of the region.

Andy Carter, Senior Winners’ Advisor at The National Lottery, said, “It’s been five months since the draw and we’ve not yet been contacted by the rightful ticket-holder to claim their prize, despite numerous appeals.

“Our appeal is simple: take five minutes out of your day to dig out and check your Thunderball tickets. Those five minutes could be the most profitable five minutes of your life! We are ready and waiting for that life-changing phone call to come in to us here at The National Lottery.

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"While there is still time, there is still hope. We’ve received valid claims on major National Lottery unclaimed prizes right up to the very last minute before - but time is marching on."

Players can check tickets online by downloading the National Lottery app and scanning the ticket to see if they have won or by visiting the National Lottery website here.

Anyone who has any queries or believes they have the winning ticket for any of the National Lottery draws within the 180-day deadline should call the National Lottery Line on 0333 234 5050 or email