Biden bows to pressure and allows Ukraine to use US weapons to strike Russia

The US has permitted Kyiv to use its weapons to strike Russia  for the limited purpose of defending Kharkiv
The US has permitted Kyiv to use its weapons to strike Russia for the limited purpose of defending Kharkiv - HANNIBAL HANSCHKE/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Joe Biden has bowed to international pressure to allow Ukraine to use American weapons to strike Russian territory after the head of Nato said “the time has come” to overturn the ban.

The US has given Kyiv permission to use its weapons to strike Russia for the limited purpose of defending Kharkiv, according to two US officials.

The unnamed officials insisted the US policy preventing Ukraine from using American-provided long-range missiles to strike inside Russia has not changed.

“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use US weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” a US official told Politico.

It comes after Jens Stoltenberg, Nato’s secretary-general, said the “time has come” for restrictions to be lifted, after France and Germany earlier this week signalled an easing of their own rules.

Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, reassured Czech leaders that progress was being made on the issue in meetings on Thursday at the beginning of a two-day summit of Nato ministers in Prague.

It is rare for any Nato chief to directly put pressure on a US president and Mr Stoltenberg’s intervention was described as “surprising” by diplomatic sources.

“Allies are delivering many different types of military support to Ukraine and some of them have imposed some restrictions on the use of these weapons … these are national decisions,” Mr Stoltenberg said in a speech ahead of the gathering.

“But I think that in light of how this war has evolved the time has come to consider some of these restrictions, to enable the Ukrainians to really defend themselves.”

Jens Stoltenberg, the alliance's secretary general, said: 'the time has come to consider some of these restrictions, to enable the Ukrainians to really defend themselves'
Jens Stoltenberg, the alliance's secretary general, said the time has come to 'enable the Ukrainians to really defend themselves' - Shutterstock

In recent weeks Kyiv has repeatedly urged its Western allies to allow the use of their long-range weapons to strike military targets on Russian soil.

“It was surprising,” a diplomat said of Mr Stoltenberg’s campaign to support Ukraine’s push.

“As important as it was, it is not for the secretary general to be giving advice to individual allies on bilateral issues.”

A growing number of European countries, including Britain and France, have granted Kyiv permission to use Western missiles against Russian military targets before they cross the border.

Moscow is massing troops on the border with Ukraine ahead of a long-awaited summer offensive.

But Washington, Ukraine’s key military backer, had until now refused to approve the use of weapons like the long-range Atacms missiles to strike troops or logistics hubs inside Russia.

Ukraine firefighters after a Russian attack on  residential area in city of Oleksievo-Druzhkivka
Ukraine firefighters after a Russian attack on residential area in city of Oleksievo-Druzhkivka - Anadolu/State Emergency Service of Ukraine

President Biden was said to be reluctant amid fears the move could drag Nato into a wider conflict with Russia, a nuclear superpower.

But on Thursday, he was reported for the first time to be “edging towards” a U-turn on the issue as Mr Blinken said the US regularly “adjusts” its position in response to events on the battlefield.

“I’m confident we’ll continue to do that,” he said at a news conference in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.

The Kremlin on Thursday said Nato members calling for relaxed rules on Western weapons were “provoking” Kyiv into prolonging the war.

Dmitry Suslov, an influential think-tank analyst linked to Vladimir Putin’s regime, said Russia should consider a “demonstrative” nuclear explosion to warn the West against its missiles being used in cross-border strikes.

Despite the threats, there was a mounting expectation amongst European allies in Prague that Washington would soon overturn its ban.

“They [America] are looking into this. From what I understand there will be progress,” a senior Czech official familiar with the discussions told The Telegraph.

The source credited president Emmanuel Macron’s decision this week to allow French weapons to be used to “neutralise” Russian targets over the border.

Jan Lipavsky, the Czech foreign minister, told reporters: “I feel that we are moving on that in the international sphere.”

Mr Blinken was said to have changed his mind on the use of American weapons after he was warned by president Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine could lose Kharkiv, its second-largest city, on a “sobering visit” to Kyiv this month, The New York Times reported.

An anonymous US official told the newspaper that it was “inevitable” that Mr Biden would reverse the ban.

The White House is also understood to be cautious about allowing Ukraine’s position on the battlefield to deteriorate too much ahead of Nato’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington in July.

Sources said Russian advances would be used by Donald Trump, who is expected to be officially named the Republican presidential candidate days after the gathering, to further undermine Mr Biden’s flagship policy of defending Ukraine.

03:12 PM BST

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Today’s live coverage has ended. Thank you for following the day’s events.

02:50 PM BST

Ukraine to get up to 100,000 Czech shells in June

Ukraine will receive 50,000-100,000 shells in June under a Czech-led initiative to buy ammunition for the war-ravaged country largely outside Europe, a Czech official said on Thursday.

Tomas Kopecny, the Czech government envoy for Ukraine reconstruction, told reporters that Ukraine, battling a Russian invasion since February 2022, could get millions of shells if allies managed to collect the money.

“The first delivery under the umbrella of this Czech initiative will be in June, and it will be dozens of thousands of shells, between 50 and 100,” he said on the fringes of a meeting of Nato foreign ministers in Prague.

Mr Kopecny urged further contributions as Ukraine will need 200,000 shells a month in the next two years “just to make the balance” vis-a-vis Russia.

02:40 PM BST

Russia ‘should consider nuclear explosion to warn West’

Russia should consider a “demonstrative” nuclear explosion to warn the West about allowing their weapons to be fired across the border from Ukraine, advisors to the Kremlin said.

Dmitry Suslov, a member of the Moscow-based Council for Foreign and Defence Policy think tank, said a test detonation could cow the West, which is in the process of relaxing rules about the weapons it gives to Ukraine.

The think tank is influential in Kremlin circles and its ideas sometimes become government policy for the Kremlin.

The proposal was issued a day after Vladimir Putin warned the West that Nato members in Europe were playing with fire by relaxing its weapons rules.

The Russian president said it could trigger a global conflict, with Russia, which possesses the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, at the centre.

The US and Germany have so far refused to allow their weapons to be used inside Russia, while French President Emmanuel Macron followed the UK to shift his stance on Tuesday.

Nato leaders are due to meet later today to focus on efforts to hammer out a support package for Ukraine.

02:18 PM BST

France’s Macron to host meeting with Biden

President Emmanuel Macron will host a meeting with US President Joe Biden and his wife Jill on June 8 as part of Biden’s first state visit to France, the French presidency said on Thursday.

The pair will discuss their ongoing support for Ukraine, as well as ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation on economic, space and nuclear issues, a statement from the French presidency said.

01:55 PM BST

Fires break out amid Russian shelling

Ukrainian firefighters have been working to put out numerous fires caused by Russian shelling in the village of Mala Danilivka in the Kharkiv district of Ukraine.

The attacks injured at least seven people.

One of the strikes hit a children’s equestrian club.

Fire fighters work on putting out the fire broke out after the Russian rocket attacks
Fire fighters work on putting out the fire broke out after the Russian rocket attacks - State Emergency Service of Ukraine/Anadolu via Getty Images
Firefighters rest after extinguishing a fire at the site of a Russian missile strike
Firefighters rest after extinguishing a fire at the site of a Russian missile strike - Denys Klymenko/Gwara Media/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images

01:30 PM BST

Nato opinions ‘shifting’, says Czech foreign minister

The opinion of Nato allies is shifting towards allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike military targets on Russian soil, the Czech foreign minister said on Thursday.

Speaking to reporters, Jan Lipavsky said there was a growing belief that it was better to allow Kyiv to destroy Russian aircraft before they can take-off armed with bombs destined for Ukrainian cities.

He said it was right to relax restrictions on weapons and show “strong resolve” in response to Russia’s changing tactics and escalations, including attacks on Poland and the UK, since Vladimir Putin’s re-election.

The minister also dismissed concerns that slacker measures would result in the war spreading beyond Ukraine’s borders.

Mr Lipavsky said: “The message is simple… The plane is flying with rockets, it’s better that the plane is not flying at all. If it’s flying, it’s better to shoot it down, rather than trying to shoot down rockets flying over Ukraine.

“We have to make use of logic and, also, international law, and the charter of the UN clearly says that you can protect yourself from aggression.

I understand those concerns, I understand there are weapon systems that can be used quite far away. We have the discussions, but I feel that we are even moving on that in the international sphere.”

In response to Kremlin threats of retaliation, he added: “Russia has decided to escalate. It is Putin after the inauguration, he feels strongly. He started an offensive in Kharkiv. We saw the provocations at the Narva River, the attempts of sabotage, some of them successful, on the territories of Poland and the UK.

“I’m sure that we will see more of this escalation, so we need to repeat properly and definitely shouldn’t be afraid, but show strong resolve to defend ourselves.”

01:10 PM BST

Sri Lanka seeks release of ex-soldiers in Russia and Ukraine

Sri Lanka’s foreign ministry said Thursday it is seeking the release of hundreds of its ex-soldiers fighting for Russia as well as around a dozen prisoners of war in Ukraine.

Sri Lanka opened an inquiry this month into illegal recruitment for the conflict, identifying 455 ex-soldiers who had gone to fight for Russia.

Colombo is sending a delegation to Russia in June to negotiate their discharge, including 37 wounded Sri Lankans, Tharaka Balasuriya, state minister for foreign affairs, told reporters.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe is also due to speak with his Ukrainian counterpart to plead for the release of “10 to 12 Sri Lankan POWs”, Mr Balasuriya added. “We are trying to get them released.”

At least 16 Sri Lankans have been killed in Ukraine while fighting alongside Russian troops, parliament was told this month.

“We want to stop Sri Lankans going to Russia and Ukraine,” Balasuriya said alongside the Russian ambassador to Colombo.

12:39 PM BST

The latest photographs from the front line

Here are the latest photos from the front line in Ukraine.

Ukrainian military tanks are in taking part in ongoing military training as the war continues in Donetsk Oblast.

Ukrainian soldiers wait for orders during a training session
Ukrainian soldiers wait for orders during a training session
A Ukrainian military tank fires during military training
A Ukrainian military tank fires during military training - Diego Herrera Carcedo/Anadolu via Getty Images

12:17 PM BST

Crimea attack ‘destroyed 2 Russian military boats’

Ukraine destroyed two Russian patrol boats off Moscow-annexed Crimea with naval drones, GUR military intelligence service said on Thursday.

The GUR agency wrote on Telegram that its Group 13 special forces unit using Ukrainian naval drones “successfully attacked the boats of the aggressor state of Russia in temporarily occupied Crimea”.

Ukraine's Sea Baby naval drones
Ukraine's Sea Baby naval drones - Christopher Miller

It said that Russia used fighter planes and helicopters to try to destroy the drones in the Vuzka bay in northwestest Crimea, as well as firing on them using small arms and 30 mm cannons.

“As a result of the strike, two Russian boats were destroyed,” GUR said, adding that according to preliminary data, they were high-speed amphibious vessels of the KS-701 Tunets type.

11:40 AM BST

Kremlin says Nato ‘provoking’ Ukraine to prolong conflict

The Kremlin said Thursday that Nato member states were “provoking” Kyiv into prolonging the conflict in Ukraine, whose leaders are appealing to Western countries to allow it to target Russia.

“Nato member states ... are entering a new round of escalations in tensions and they are doing it deliberately,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, adding that, “they are provoking Ukraine in every possible way into continuing this senseless war.”

11:14 AM BST

France could announce sending military trainers to Ukraine

France could soon send military trainers to Ukraine despite the concerns of some allies and criticism by Russia, and may announce its decision next week during a visit by the Ukrainian president, three diplomatic sources said.

The diplomats said Paris hoped to forge and lead a coalition of countries offering such assistance to Kyiv’s war effort even though some of its European Union partners fear it could make a direct conflict with Russia more likely.

France would initially send a limited number of personnel to assess the modalities of a mission before dispatching several hundred trainers, two of the diplomats said.

Training would centre around demining, keeping equipment operational and technical expertise for warplanes to be provided by the West, they said. Paris would also finance, arm, and train a Ukrainian motorised brigade.

“The arrangements are very advanced and we could expect something next week,” said one of the sources.

10:49 AM BST

What to expect from today’s Nato meeting

The international row over whether Ukraine should be allowed to use Western weapons to strike targets on Russian soil will dominate this week’s meeting of Nato foreign ministers in Prague.

The Americans will arrive in the Czech capital under pressure to relax the rules on their donations, after a string of public easing of restrictions.

Jens Stoltenberg, Nato’s departing secretary-general, has launched a campaign to convince allies to change their minds.

His attempt is seen largely futile, given donations to Ukraine are managed bilaterally and not through the Western military alliance.

But a growing coalition, led by the Brits, French and Eastern Europeans, will work hard to convince their American counterparts that it is the right thing to do, given Russia is launching more attacks from its own soil.

Elsewhere, ministers will attempt to find ways to satisfy Ukraine given the war-torn country won’t be offered a clear pathway to membership, as reported by the Telegraph earlier this week.

Plans for a $100 billion war chest to bring Kyiv’s armed forces to Nato standard, presented by Mr Stoltenberg in March, have already run into difficulties, given some member states’ reluctance to give Nato greater involvement in weapons deliveries, amid fears it could drag the alliance into a wider war with Russia.

10:25 AM BST

Russia building up forces near Kharkiv region’s north

Russia is building up forces near the northern part of Ukraine’s Kharkiv region where it launched an offensive this month, but it still lacks the troop numbers to stage a major push in the area, Ukraine’s top commander said on Thursday.

Ukraine says it has stabilised the front in the northeastern Kharkiv region where Russian forces launched a cross-border assault on May 10 that opened a new front in the 27-month-old war and stretched Kyiv’s outnumbered troops.

Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi said Russia was continuing to send additional regiments and brigades from other areas and from training grounds to bulk up its troops on two main lines of attack in Kharkiv region’s north.

That includes the Strilecha-Lyptsi area between two small villages and the vicinity of the border town of Vovchansk where there has been street fighting.

“These forces are currently insufficient for a large-scale offensive and breakthrough of our defence,” Syrskyi said in a statement on the Telegram messaging app.

He said Ukraine’s “creation of an ammunition reserve” had also reduced the offensive capabilities of Russian forces.

10:04 AM BST

In pictures: Equipment presented to Ukrainian servicemen

Cars and drones were given to Ukrainian servicemen during a handing-over ceremony in Kyiv.

A total of 38 different vehicles and 40 drones were bought by Kyiv’s community and handed to the 92nd Assault Brigade fighting in the Kharkiv region.

A serviceman checks a drone
A serviceman checks a drone - SERGEY DOLZHENKO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko (R) attends the handing ceremony
Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko (R) attends the handing ceremony - SERGEY DOLZHENKO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
Drones are displayed
Drones are displayed - SERGEY DOLZHENKO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

09:23 AM BST

Russian forces launch missiles on Kharkiv

Russian forces launched a series of missiles early on Thursday on Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, injuring at least four people and damaging infrastructure, local officials said.

Mayor Ihor Terekhov, writing on the Telegram messaging app, said four people had been injured, a gas pipeline had been damaged and many windows had been broken.

A Russian strike on the construction hypermarket
A Russian strike on the construction hypermarket - Emergency Service

Regional Governor Oleh Syniehubov said eight missiles had been fired at the city, a frequent Russian target in recent weeks. A community just north of the city had also been hit.

In the aftermath of the strikes, air raid alerts remained in force throughout the country.

09:02 AM BST

Ukraine cannot use Italian arms on Russian territory, says Italian foreign

Italy will never send any troops to Ukraine and any weapons it has supplied to Kyiv should not be used on Russian territory, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Thursday.

“All the weapons leaving from Italy (to Ukraine) should be used within Ukraine,” Mr Tajani said in a TV interview with public broadcaster RAI.

Under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Italy has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine, but Rome has never disclosed any details about its military aid.

Mr Tajani also dismissed the possibility that former Italian Prime Minister and European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi could become the next EU Commission President.

“Draghi is not an (official) candidate and does not belong to any (European) political family... I see it as a complicated matter,” he said.

08:38 AM BST

Nato has just 5 per cent of air defences to protect from Russian invasion

Nato has just five per cent of the air defence capabilities it needs to protect Europe from Russia, confidential defence plans show.

A senior Nato diplomat admitted to the Financial Times that the ability to defend against missiles and air strike attacks was “a major part of the plan to defend eastern Europe from invasion”, adding: “And right now, we don’t have that.”

A second Nato diplomat added that air defence “is one of the biggest holes we have” on the eastern flank. “We can’t deny it,” they said.

The war in Ukraine has highlighted the need for strong air defence as Russia pummels its forces with daily bombing raids.

Last year, the UK government described the “challenge of protecting… against attack from the skies” as being “its most acute for over 30 years”.

08:10 AM BST

Ukraine destroys Russian attacks

Ukraine’s air defence systems destroyed seven Russia-launched missiles and 32 drones overnight, its air force commander said on Thursday.

The air force official said on the Telegram messaging app that Russia had launched a total of 51 missiles and drones.

Drones lie on the ground
Drones lie on the ground - REUTERS/Oleksandr Ratushniak

The commander said Russian forces attacked “military facilities and critical infrastructure in Ukraine” but did not provide additional details.

Mayor of eastern Ukraine’s Kharkiv, Ihor Terekhov, said in a separate statement that critical infrastructure in the city was shelled last night and four people were injured.

Other civilian and military authorities did not report casualties and destruction caused by the attacks.

07:49 AM BST

Nato meets as pressure grows to let Ukraine hit Russia

Nato foreign ministers are set to meet in Prague on Thursday amid growing calls for leading allies to lift restrictions stopping Kyiv from using Western weapons to strike inside Russia.

The two-day gathering is meant to focus on efforts to hammer out a package of support for Ukraine.

Ukraine has been pressing its supporters to allow it to use the longer-range weaponry that they supply to hit targets inside Russia.

The US and Germany have so far refused out of fear that it could drag them closer to direct conflict with Moscow.

Ahead of the meeting, alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg said repeatedly it was time for members to reconsider those limits.

French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to shift his stance when he said Ukraine should be allowed to “neutralise” bases in Russia used to launch strikes.

German chancellor Olaf Scholz remained less committal, saying Ukraine should act within the law - and Berlin had not supplied the weapons to hit Russia anyway.

The White House said it still opposed Ukraine using US arms to strike inside Russia, although Secretary of State Antony Blinken hinted that that strategy could change.

07:35 AM BST

Russia neutralises ‘13 Ukrainian aerial drones’

Russia’s defence ministry said on Thursday that it neutralised 13 Ukrainian aerial drones in the southern Krasnodar region and close to the annexed Crimean peninsula.

On Thursday morning, “five Ukrainian aerial drones were shot down by anti-aircraft defence systems in the Krasnodar region,” the ministry said in a statement.

Another eight drones were intercepted during the night “over the Black Sea, close to the Crimean coast”, the statement added.

The Russian army also said it had destroyed two Ukrainian naval drones in the Black Sea that were “heading for Crimea”.

Eight tactical ATACMS missiles were shot down by Russian air defence systems over the Sea of Azov, near Crimea.

Faced with more than two years of Russian bombardments, Ukraine has taken the fight to Russian soil, often targeting energy infrastructure across the border.