Near miss on Essex road caught on video as driver 'narrowly avoids serious crash'

A near miss on an Essex road was caught on camera on April 21. A driver overtook several vehicles at speed, putting the car in the path of traffic coming from the other direction.

The incident happened on the A131 in Essex near the Marks Farm roundabout. A video shared by Safer Essex Roads shows the driver overtaking a larger vehicle over white diagonal stripes bordered by broken white lines separating the lanes.

A spokesperson for the organisation said: "Is it worth the risk? This driver clearly thought so, when he or she nearly collided with one of our road safety technicians, on the A131 near the Marks Farm roundabout.


"Claire was on her way home from watching her daughter run the London marathon, when a driver made a decision to overtake a couple of vehicles at speed, narrowly avoiding a serious collision. Sadly, the number plate of the car isn’t visible so Extra Eyes would be unable to process the case for prosecution."

The spokesperson said anyone who captured similar incidents on dashcam should contact the Extra Eyes team. This is a way for people to report dangerous behaviour by road users.

Areas of white diagonal stripes painted on the road are to separate traffic lanes or protect traffic turning right, according to the Highway Code. If white diagonal stripes are bordered by broken white lines, drivers should not enter the area unless it is necessary and safe to do so.