Nearly 10,000 council houses in Scotland lie empty despite child homelessness soaring

Scotland has nearly 10,000 empty council houses - enough to end the child homelessness epidemic.

Edinburgh council alone has 1,231 vacant homes after declaring a housing emergency.

Ewan Aitken, of homelessness charity Cyrenians, said: “Void properties are a real waste of public resources and it is tragic we got into this mess in the first place.”

The SNP/Green Government is under huge pressure over a near £200m cut to the affordable housing budget at a time of rising homelessness.

Recent figures show 20,144 applications for homelessness assistance and 9,860 children in temporary accommodation - an eight per cent rise.

But although the Scottish Government is bearing the brunt of criticism, councils are also facing questions about their spare capacity.

The Record asked all local authorities for the number of ‘voids’ they had last month - unoccupied council houses.

Voids can be permanent homes waiting to be re-let, as well as temporary accommodation or houses earmarked for demolition and major works.

Thirty councils provided a response and 9,766 voids were identified.

Aberdeen council said they had 2,405 voids - the largest number provided by any town hall.

Edinburgh was in second place, followed by Renfrewshire on 1137 properties and 542 in Dundee.

Renfrewhire said 616 of the voids are marked for demolition or sale as part of their regeneration plans.

Aberdeenshire recorded 411 voids, Angus Council said they had 316, East Ayrshire came back with 276 and East Lothian had 201.

Falkirk’s figure was 350, Fife council said they had 322 voids and the figure for North Lanarkshire was 335.

Other council areas have external housing providers as a result of stock being transferred from the council.

Wheatley Homes, the biggest provider in Glasgow, said they had 66 voids.

It was revealed last year that children in parts of Scotland are being forced to stay in temporary accommodation for nearly 1,500 days.

The average time spent living in short-term digs exceeded 100 days in most council areas, with the figure rising to 1,493 for some kids.

Maeve McGoldrick at the Crisis charity said: “It’s important councils make every effort to utilise the thousands of empty properties across Scotland whilst record numbers of households are stuck in temporary accommodation.”

“The best way to end homelessness is to prevent it from happening in the first place. In addition to the new homeless prevention duties outlined in the Housing Bill, the Government has to deliver the social homes we need across Scotland.

“Building more homes, alongside better utilising existing stock, would ensure that people stuck in temporary accommodation have a safe and secure place to call home.”

Shelter Scotland Director, Alison Watson, said:

“There are, of course, a range of reasons why council properties might become void but in the context of a housing emergency it’s clear that everything possible must be done to get those homes back into use.

“With cuts to the housing budget starting to bite the speed of social housing delivery is significantly slowing, so it’s more important than ever to make the most of the homes we have.

“However, reducing voids will not in itself stop the housing emergency.

Whether they’re bought or built, Scotland needs more social homes.”

We recently revealed claims of how up to 100 former council houses had been left abandoned and derelict by a local authority.

A street in Ferguslie, Paisley, was described as looking like a “set from a war movie” by locals.

Central Scotland Labour MSP Mark Griffin
Central Scotland Labour MSP Mark Griffin

SNP MSP Gordon MacDonald said:

"Empty properties provide a fantastic opportunity to alleviate issues of housing supply with a far quicker turnaround than building from scratch.

"While some properties are required to be used for temporary accommodation and others are being refurbished it is still a surprise to find there are over 9,000 empty council houses across Scotland.

"The SNP is already taking action - for example in Glasgow where more than 1700 homes have been brought back into use - but it's on politicians of all colours to explore what more can be done to increase the housing supply to tackle homelessness.

"I call on Edinburgh's Labour administration to address the 1200 empty homes in the city and to replicate the SNP's leadership and tackle this issue head-on, for my constituents and those across the city in desperate need of housing."

Labour MSP Mark Griffin said: “Scotland is in the grips of a housing emergency and thousands of children are stuck in temporary accommodation – but the SNP-Green government is in denial.

“We need a real plan to both ramp up housebuilding and make sure that we are making good use of existing homes across Scotland – but the SNP-Green government has gutted council budgets and brought forward a housing bill that won’t give us a single extra home.

“With thousands of homes sitting empty, we need a joined up plan to bring disused houses back into use and ensure everyone can get the safe, secure home they need."

Scottish Liberal Democrat Paul McGarry said:

“It’s appalling that the SNP and Greens are letting thousands of home lie empty while thousands of children go from day to day without a secure roof over their heads.

“The Scottish Government have already carved a third from the housing budget, obliterating any pretence that they ever cared about this emergency."

Councillor Maureen Chalmers from the council umbrella group COSLA said:

“Councils are making every effort to reduce voids. There are however some real issues locally impacting councils’ ability to do that. As an example, there continues to be a problem with utility companies not connecting properties as quickly as needed - therefore causing needless delays.

“It is important to be aware that 10,000 homes is only around 3% of the housing stock of councils, with a good proportion of these due for demolition too.

“Reducing voids will help move some homeless people into settled accommodation more quickly.

"However, given there are 30,000 open homelessness cases it’s not going to make as much a difference as we would want due to the chronic housing shortage across Scotland.”

Housing Minister Paul McLennan said:

“We recognise these are exceptionally challenging times and we are working with local authorities to ensure no one is turned away when they need help. We are doing all we can to prevent people becoming homeless and to reduce the use of temporary accommodation.

“Local housing decisions on voids are a matter for local authorities, and there is a range of reasons that these properties are void. In 2024-25, we will invest £556 million in affordable housing to support both the building of new homes and acquisition and conversion of existing properties. We will be discussing this issue at a meeting with COSLA in the near future.”

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