Neighbours in disbelief after 'lovely, hard working' lad' shot dead

Police on Grace Road in Walton this afternoon
-Credit: (Image: Liverpool Echo)

Neighbours have paid tribute to a "polite and friendly" young man who was shot dead in Aintree.

Police were called to the Liver Industrial Estate, close to Taskers in Aintree, just after 11.10pm on Sunday, June 23 following a report from paramedics, who were treating a man at the scene. When officers arrived, they discovered the man had been shot.

He was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead a short time later. His next of kin have been informed and are being supported by specialist family liaison officers.

The victim has now been named as 19-year-old Ellis Cox. This afternoon, a large police cordon was in place at the Liver Industrial Estate, with multiple police vehicles and forensics vans on the scene.

READ MORE: Man shot dead in Aintree named as family issue picture

READ MORE: Police cordon off 'the Ralla' after man shot dead

Police were also present on Grace Road in Walton, which is connected to the industrial estate by the Liverpool Loop Line pathway. At the bottom of Grace Road, the entrance to the pathway - known locally as 'The Ralla' - has been cordoned off, with police standing guard there since early on Monday morning.

The ECHO understands Ellis lived with his family on Grace Road. Neighbours in the area told of their shock and disbelief that the young man died in such awful circumstances.

One neighbour told the ECHO: "I'm really shocked. He was a lovely lad, a really good kid. He was dead polite and friendly - always said hello and smiled. And he was hardworking. You'd see him going out to work early every morning."

"There are loads of gangs who hang out down that path on their bikes. But he wasn't like that - he was the last person I'd have thought of this happening to. It's just awful, really scary."

Neighbours have paid tribute to 19 year old Ellis Cox, who was shot late last night
Neighbours have paid tribute to 19 year old Ellis Cox, who was shot late last night -Credit:Handout

People living in the area were shaken by the news of Ellis' death. One young mum who lives near the Liver Industrial Estate said: "I’ve told my daughter to stay inside. It’s really scared me. It could be anybody."

Irene, 81, travelled to Liverpool today from Wigan to get some wallpaper from Taskers in Aintree, only to find the shop closed. She said: "Now I know why it’s closed off, I wouldn’t dream of complaining.

"What a terrible thing to have happened. It’s so sad to hear, I’m praying for the lad’s family."

Extensive CCTV enquiries are being carried out in the area and house-to-house inquiries are taking place. High visibility patrols have been stepped up in the area to provide reassurance and officers will be available to speak to anyone who may have concerns, police said.

Mark Baker, who is heading the investigation for Merseyside Police, said: "This was an appalling and tragic incident in which a young man has lost his life, and our thoughts first and foremost are with his family, who are trying to come to terms with his loss.

"I would appeal to anyone who may have seen him to come forward as their information could be vital. Whilst this happened on an industrial estate, there are residential homes nearby and I would urge anyone who may have seen anyone acting suspiciously in the area, or who heard anything, to come forward so we can give his family answers and bring his killer or killers to justice.

“I would appeal to any motorists who may have captured footage on their dashcam to come forward even if it appears to be innocuous.

“It could prove vital to our efforts to deliver justice for this young man and his family. It is essential that people with information, no matter how small, to please contact us as it might be vital to the investigation.

“Gun violence has taken too many young lives here in Merseyside. While the last 12 months saw the lowest number of firearms discharges in more than two decades, our efforts to take weapons off the streets and put those thoughtless enough to use them in jail will never stop.

“Every day our officers are carrying out warrants, open land searches and stop and searches to remove guns and other weapons from our streets. We target all available resources in the right areas to remove weapons and those who use them and work daily alongside our partners and in communities affected by gun crime.

“Incidents such as this are a tragic reminder of why we must continue with that work – gun crime can tear families apart and ruin many more lives than the victim alone.

“If you have any information at all on this incident, please call 101, DM @MerPolCC or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 1121 of 23 June. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress.

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