Neil McCann rages at Fabio Silva for Rangers goal gloat as striker told 'there's nothing to celebrate'

Neil McCann ripped into Fabio Silva for his perceived over-the-top gloating against Hearts - telling the striker 'there's nothing to celebrate.'

Silva scored with just over 10 minutes remaining at Tynecastle to put Rangers 3-1 up in a game that was ultimately dead rubber - with Celtic winning the league at Kilmarnock three days earlier. That didn't stop Silva giving it to the Hearts fans though, pointing to the name on the back of his shirt during a passionate celebration.

As it happened the Jambos had the last laugh - Dexter Lembikisa and Kyosuke Tagawa sealed an unlikely comeback and a share of the points that means Rangers finish eight behind champions Celtic at the top. And McCann couldn't believe what he was watching with Silva's celebration.

He said on Sportscene: "From a Rangers perspective, I can see why Philippe Clement is disappointed. You want to win every game - but the players have to ask themselves individually if they want to win every game. Certain individuals are showing it doesn’t bother them.

"I pointed out Fabio Silva last week for not running back and he is still doing that. He loses possession to Lembikisa and he just walks. Then he has the audacity to point (to his back) and tell everybody who he is. The full-back knows who he is because he has just took the ball off you and gone into Yilmaz.

"I may sound annoyed but that thing as a coach or manager should really irk you because Rangers lost the league last week and should have gone to Tynecastle done the business in a professional way. There is no party time, there is nothing to celebrate.

"Win the game, get your job done and prepare for next week. For me, Philippe Clement needs to look at that squad , that isn’t acceptable.”