Netflix boss speaks out after 'Martha' from Baby Reindeer comes forward

A Netflix boss has spoken out about Baby Reindeer and the growing row over the identity of Martha. The woman believed to be the inspiration behind the character Martha in hit Netflix series Baby Reindeer has said she is going to sue Netflix and creator-turned-star Richard Gadd over the “defamatory” depiction.

Fiona Harvey said she has been “forced” into telling her side of the story after receiving death threats from “internet sleuths” following the release of the Netflix show. In an appearance before the Commons Culture & Media Committee Netflix policy chief Benjamin King was bullish.

He was questioned by MP John Nicholson who said: “Baby Reindeer, which is one of yours. I think it’s had 54 million views worldwide or something like that. It was a difficult watch, wasn’t it? And I just wonder what your duty of care rules are in series like that or productions like that. Were you concerned about the characters being identified and the effect that it would have on the characters concerned? “

Mr King said: “Baby Reindeer is an extraordinary story, and it is obviously a true story of the horrific abuse that the writer and protagonist Richard Gadd suffered at the hands of a convicted stalker. We did take every reasonable precaution in disguising the real life identities of the of the people.”

Mr Nicholson interjected: “She’s been identified hasn’t she.” Mr King continued: “While also striking a balance with the veracity and authenticity of Richard’s story. And we did also work very closely with the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, who runs Britain’s national stalking helpline and also We Are Survivors in promoting and launching the show. And they’ve said a lot subsequently about what the series has done to drive the conversation around this often quite taboo topic, particularly for male victims of stalking and the amount of interest and inquiries it’s driven to their organisations.”

Fiona Harvey sat down with Piers Morgan on his Uncensored show -Credit: Piers Morgan Uncensored
Fiona Harvey sat down with Piers Morgan on his Uncensored show -Credit: Piers Morgan Uncensored

Mr Nicholson said: “It was a fascinating story and very disturbing. But I understand that the woman concerned the Martha in real life has now been identified. So presumably this will have quite a significant impact on her life. And I just wondered what your thought process was about her and the effect that this would have on her because obviously somebody who’s, impacted by quite serious mental health problems.”

Mr King said: “Richard Gadd was very clear that that was not the intent of the show, that it should inspire people to try and track down the sort of real life individuals. Ultimately, it’s obviously very difficult to control what viewers do, particularly in a world where everything is amplified by social media. But fundamentally, this was about Richard’s story and telling Richard’s story in a truthful way. I personally wouldn’t be comfortable with the world in which we decided it was better that Richard was silenced and not allowed to tell his story.”

On Piers Morgan Uncensored, Ms Harvey repeatedly denied stalking Gadd in real life, describing the show as “a work of fiction, a work of hyperbole”. The 58-year-old claimed that she was prepared to go to a court of law to defend herself against allegations made in the series.

When Morgan asked if she will “categorically be taking legal action”, she replied: “Absolutely, against both him (Gadd) and Netflix.” Ms Harvey said she had instructed lawyers in part, but “we want to explore all the options out there, there are a number of people to sue”.

Jessica Gunning
Fiona Harvey claims to be the real Martha Scott, who is played by Jessica Gunning in the show -Credit:Netflix

During the interview, Ms Harvey referenced a scene in the show where character Martha admits to intimidating Gadd’s character and receives a nine-month prison sentence. “That is completely untrue, very, very defamatory to me, very career damaging,” she said.

“I wanted to rebut that completely on this show – I am not a stalker, I have not been to jail, I’ve not got injunctions – it is complete nonsense.” After the show was released, viewers began to speculate over the real people who inspired the events behind the series, which saw Gadd post a message to his Instagram story.

He said: “Hi everyone, people I love, have worked with, and admire… are unfairly getting caught up in speculation. Please don’t speculate on who any of the real life people could be.

“That’s not the point of our show.”