Netflix is working on technology that will allow you to choose how a show pans out

Orange is the New Black is one of Netflix's most popular shows (Rex)
Orange is the New Black is one of Netflix’s most popular shows (Rex)

There are few things more frustrating than an unsatisfying ending to an otherwise great TV show.

After investing in programmes that often last five or six series, you want the right conclusion.

Of course, much of it comes down to preference — some prefer an explosive ending, others want to see their heroes stroll off into the sunset.

Well, soon, you could be able to decide.

TV streaming company Netflix has announced that it is working on ways to give viewers control of key plot decisions.

The technology, for example, would allow fans to choose which character the protagonist is romantically involved with — or whether or not they commit a crime.

Simply by pushing a button, viewers would be able to make decisions — in what is called ‘branch narratives’.

A source said: “We’re doing work on branch narratives so you are actually making choices as you watch. All the content will be there, and then people will have to get through it in different ways.

“We’ll see how it plays out. It’s an experiment. We’ll see if it gets much success. For creators, it’s new territory.”

This would mean actors would have to film numerous alternative scenes.

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“It is almost random – you could go through a story in incredibly weird ways,” the source told the Mail Online. “I can’t imagine what the story will be like but it’s highly fragmented.”

The company will run a trial with the technology for children’s shows later this year — and extend it to shows aimed at adults if it’s successful.