Andrew Garfield gets Spider Man wish

Andrew Garfield

(BANG) -

Andrew Garfield wanted to play Spider Man since he was two years old.

'The Amazing Spider Man' actor landed his dream role playing the superhero, but was hesitant to take the part as fame "terrifies" him.

He told the Los Angeles Times newspaper: "It terrifies me. I just saw that I was given an opportunity to play a part that I've been wanting to play since I was a two-year-old.

"I don't want the rest of it. The visibility thing was the one thing that deterred me.

"That was absolutely the one thing I questioned. I thought about it for a month, constantly."

The actor also studied the eight-legged creatures his character takes his name from in order to understand their movements and properly prepare for his part.

He added: "I studied spiders, I studied their movements and how they operate in the world and I tried to incorporate as much of that as I could.

"He's a boy/spider in terms of how he moves and not just in the suit.

"A spider moves up, down, side-to-side, all around. He's not linear and with the knowledge of that spatial awareness and the fact that he can be here and then over there incredibly fast. The stillness of a spider and the lightness I found all of that very interesting to explore as well."

'The Amazing Spider Man' – which tells the story of the character's origins – will be released next year.

(C) BANG Media International