Kim Kardashian Will 'Bring Down Western Civilization'

Kim Kardashian Will 'Bring Down Western Civilization'
Kim Kardashian Will 'Bring Down Western Civilization'

Kim Kardashian sums up "all that is wrong with Western society", and "the descent of Western Civilization" is linked to the prevalence of the star, it seems a bit strong, but it's true according to the headmistress of a leading girls' school.

According to The Times, Dr Helen Wright will make a speech tomorrow which will condemn Kim, or rather the fact that she is on magazine covers across the world, and is regarded as someone who girls might aspire to be, purely because of her sex appeal.

According to the paper Wright will say that Kim is famous "for hanging out with the rich and famous, for a sex-tape, a 72 day marriage and a rather ample backside."

Well it's difficult to disagree with that, apart from that we'd now add a burgeoning romance with rapper Kanye West and promoting her wares with revealing photos on on Twitter.

She is reportedly scared that youngsters will associate success with 'scandal' and 'boundaryless living', which sounds an awful lot like a good old fashioned moral panic.

Men may want to be with Kim, and a lot of girls certainly wouldn't mind her looks or lifestyle, but one could also question whether all the nation's young girls, whether they're sitting in the bus stop in Warrington or trudging through triple geography in Tunbridge Wells, are really convinced that becoming an LA socialite is a viable career path for most of them.

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