NHS Dumfries and Galloway's financial plan unlikely to get Scottish Government approval

Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary
Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary -Credit:Jim McEwan

Health bosses admit that the Scottish Government is unlikely to green light their plan to cut costs.

But they have described their approach as “realistic and deliverable” rather than one that “creates risks and uncertainty”.

NHS Dumfries and Galloway health board members approved their financial plan for 2024/25 to 2026/27 at their meeting on Monday.

It represents savings of five per cent from its budget for this year – more than £10million short of the savings target set by Holyrood.

Chairman, Nick Morris, said: “We are out of kilter with where the Scottish Government wants us to go but I genuinely believe that the board needs to understand that to go higher than five per cent would be creating risks and uncertainty in the plan.

“We’d rather have a plan that is more likely to be realistic and deliverable than one which is imaginary.”

Finance director Katy Kerr had previously told the board that the savings target for 2024/25 was £18.3m, which would reduce its financial deficit to £35.8m.

However, the Scottish Government wanted the deficit capped at £25m, meaning nearly £30m would need to be saved.

A letter from the Scottish Government to NHS Dumfries and Galloway revealed an extra £3m was being provided, which meant the brokerage cap was £22m.

Ms Kerr’s report for Monday’s meeting said a list of 80 “savings opportunities” had been drawn up, which would cut £13m from the budget.

Further work was required to meet the original £18.3m – which was
£10.9m short of the Scottish Government target.

Ms Kerr told the meeting that the Scottish Government had supported the work they had taken, but as it didn’t meet the new brokerage cap “they can’t formally sign off the plan” – a position she expected a number of other health boards to be in this year.

She said: “We’re in a better place than we have been regarding our plans around this. We’ve got really good engagement, some support and capacity in the processes around this, and I’m not sure in the interim period what more we can do.”

Mr Morris said historically they had been asked to save three per cent, rather than five per cent, and believed “at this stage I don’t think the board can sign anything that is unrealistic”.

Other board members agreed with one, Crichton Trust chief executive Gwilym Gibbons, saying: “If we overstretch ourselves on the levels of savings we try to achieve at this point – I think we’re doing everything that’s achievable – it really does compromise our ability to make savings in future years in terms of capacity.

“Taking that slightly longer view of the three year view rather than just the one year view means we have to think about transformational change and how we can pace that and invest in that and not compromise the future just to try to balance the books this year.”