NHS 'no longer' treating 36 conditions in prescription 'crackdown'

The NHS is no longer treating an eye-watering 36 conditions amid a crackdown. Prescriptions are affected for 36 conditions as NHS staff prioritise other ailments amid the ongoing huge backlog and lack of funding the healht service is suffering.

NHS England has agreed plans to save hundreds of millions of pounds each year by recommending low value treatments, including fish oil, herbal remedies and homeopathy no longer be provided on the NHS.

The changes come after research showed the NHS could save around £190 million a year by cutting such prescriptions for minor, short-term conditions, many of which will cure themselves or cause no long term effect on health.

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It also frees up millions of GP appointments that are currently taken up with prescribing these medicines River View Surgey has explained. The conditions affected by NHS prescription crackdown mean staff will give advice and expertise in a "non urgent manner" to some patients.

Those suffering an acute sore throat are affected by the changes, as well as those who get infrequent cold sores of the lip and conjunctivitis. Coughs and colds and nasal congestion is also listed alongside Cradle Cap (seborrhoeic dermatitis – infants) and Haemorrhoids.

Infant colic and Mild cystitis are also listed, as is Mild irritant dermatitis, dandruff and diarrhoea (adults). Dry eyes/sore (tired) eyes and earwax are also listed as well as excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis), head lice and indigestion and heartburn, not to mention infrequent constipation, migraines, insect bites and stings.

Mild acne completes the list with mild dry skin and sunburn as well as sun protection, mild to moderate hay fever/seasonal rhinitis, minor burns, scalds, conditions associated with pain, discomfort and/fever. (e.g. aches and sprains, headache, period pain, back pain) and mouth ulcers.

Nappy rash is also listed alongside oral thrush and prevention of dental caries and ringworm/athlete’s foot, teething/mild toothache, threadworms, travel sickness and warts and verrucas.