Humza has delivered a final blow to Nicola Sturgeon

Humza Yousaf watching Nicola Sturgeon speak in the Scottish Parliament, Holyrood
Humza Yousaf watching Nicola Sturgeon speak in the Scottish Parliament, Holyrood

Whatever the long-term electoral consequences of the ending of the SNP-Greens agreement, Humza Yousaf has at last seized one of the most important elements in politics: the initiative.

In one way, it was the Scottish Greens themselves who condemned the so-called Bute House Agreement (devolution supporters just love giving pompous names to things, don’t they?) by giving notice of an extraordinary general meeting at which the fate of the alliance with the SNP would be decided. So the SNP, the party that fell short of a majority by a single seat in 2021, would have to wait, expectantly and nervously, while their very junior partners decided their political future.

It was an extraordinarily arrogant position for the Greens to take, and by being seen to be willing to await the judgment of Scottish Greens’ activists on an agreement he has staked his entire leadership on, Yousaf was beginning to look humiliated. In an election year, when your party is already on the ropes, that isn’t a good look.

So he acted, and many – though not all – in his party will be relieved at no longer having to dance to the tune of their erstwhile partners. But you only have to cast your mind back to February last year, when Nicola Sturgeon unexpectedly announced her resignation as first minister and SNP leader, to realise that the latest dramatic development in Scottish politics is directly related to her fall from power.


A year ago, despite Sturgeon’s departure, the party was still hers. She remained, even as she left office, the biggest beast in the political jungle, still adored by the SNP’s huge membership base. She was, after all, one of the reasons many joined the party in the aftermath of the Scottish independence referendum.

Yousaf himself only won the race to succeed her by implying he was the Sturgeon continuity candidate. Assuming that mantle, he had to accept everything that went with it, including the deal with the Greens that gave their two co-leaders junior ministerial posts.

Sturgeon’s travails since then have coincided with a growing realisation among the SNP that Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater’s policy agenda is not only unworkable, but unpopular. Their obsession with trans rights was forced on the Scottish Government’s agenda in the form of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, subsequently vetoed by the UK government. The ill-fated Deposit Return Scheme was another Green initiative that had to be abandoned. A ban on wood-burning stoves in new-build homes was the latest voter-repelling Green policy that earned them the animosity of leading SNP politicians.

And then there was Harvie’s, and his party’s, ideological indignation at the Cass Report into gender health care in England, and his reluctance to acknowledge the report’s scientific standing. His response indicated that this was an issue about which he cared even more than the recently-announced scrapping by fellow ministers of key net zero targets.

Harvie’s determination to indulge his permanently-angry purple-haired activists even at the expense of the Scottish Government’s credibility was probably the last straw for many senior SNP ministers, if not for Yousaf himself.


Had Sturgeon, since leaving office, maintained her reputation as “Mammy Écosse”, the nationalists’ great hope for independence, the victor of numerous electoral battles with the hated Unionists, it would have been virtually impossible for Yousaf to dismantle a parliamentary agreement that was almost entirely a construct of her own making. In the absence of any great leaps forward towards the goal of independence under her leadership, the Bute House Agreement was a large part of Sturgeon’s political legacy.

But having found herself under police investigation, looking on as her husband, the party’s former chief executive, Peter Murrell, was arrested and charged with embezzlement, Sturgeon’s legacy, justly or unjustly, has lost its gleam. The current First Minister, beset on all sides by seemingly insurmountable political challenges, suddenly has greater authority to deal with recalcitrant parliamentary partners who were overly indulged by his predecessor.

The long-term consequences of this piece of ruthless political theatre are still to unfold. In the meantime, it may have given Humza Yousaf some much-needed breathing space.