Nicole Kidman Dismisses Focus On Celebrity

Nicole Kidman has dismissed the celebrity photo hacking story saying there are more important issues in the world and that she is uninterested in celebrity headlines.

Speaking to Sky News' Entertainment Week, the Oscar-winning actress said she cannot understand why the media is focusing on such stories.

"These days there's far too much importance placed on things like that. Who cares about these photos, that’s very superficial, why that would even make news astounds me, but a lot of what makes the news astounds me," she said.

"I do think we need to be talking about the violence in the world, in terms of Iraq, violence towards women, education and women, what’s happening in Afghanistan.

"There are so many topics that we could be giving time to than celebrity photos, it just doesn’t hold any interest for me."

She also told Entertainment Week she had to change the roles she chooses to fit in with family life, and it was her mother who persuaded her to stick with her career.

"I went through a stage when I thought I'd give it all up and just stay at home, and my mum, who's in her 70s, and has a huge amount of wisdom, said 'I don’t think that’s a good idea, it’s important for you to still have a creative outlet'."

Before I Go To Sleep is a thriller which also stars Colin Firth and Mark Strong.

Kidman said the appeal of the film was the fact it was a thriller generated by emotion, not special effects and tricks.

"This was very much me wanting to be raw and I love the idea of telling a story just through your face, and there wasn’t a lot of dialogue except when I’m talking to the camera," she said.

:: Sky’s Lucy Cotter will be discussing the celebrity photo hacking story in more detail on this week’s Entertainment Week on Saturday 8.30pm.

Also appearing on the show, Dan Stevens talks about life after Downton Abbey and his new role as a gun-toting killer in The Guest. Plus, we look at the top films showing at this year’s London Film Festival.

Watch Entertainment Week Saturday at 8.30pm on Sky News, Sky Livingit on Sunday at 8.30am and on Sky Catch Up.